(Check release branch for the latest working release) tes
- Possible Features:
Refactor so that ControllerTick(): # Handle input events, ViewTick(): # Draw everything - https://www.pygame.org/wiki/tut_design
Balance needs to be subtracted whenever the hand begins, then if the player loses, nothing happens. If they win, they get ante + winnings. In it's current state, a player could continue spamming new game to never lose money.
Possibly add player "short hints" to the menu/game?
Move the player hand up so options can be center formatted for them
Refactor table buttons
test.txt contains specific packages used to test the project dev.txt contains packages used during the development process prod.txt contains packages for production environment?
To run application go to linux terminal. cd into /Blackjack-Project folder
Enter this command in /Blackjack-Project directory
$source venv/bin/activate
Enter this command in the Blackjack-Project/src directory
$python main.py