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🚀 Complete Automated Mac Development Environment Setup 🚀
This repository contains an install script which, when run, will completely set up a Macintosh machine configured to Michael Clayton's preferred and opinionated development environment. It will configure and install dot files, applications, packages, et cetera.
The script is designed to be interactive so users can still pick and choose what they want to install/configure, however, you may still want to look through individual Dot Files and pick/choose what you want at a more granular level.
This script is designed to be safe and can be run multiple times.
Simply run the install script via the command:
$ ./start.sh
This will present the user with a choice to run the installer in one of two modes.
1) Sandbox (Docker)
2) Current Machine
3) Quit
=> Choose Execution Environment:
- Sandbox Environment Installation/Setup changes are made in a dockerized sandbox environment and will not affect the current actual machine.
- Current Machine Installation/Setup changes made in this environment will modify and affect the current actual machine.