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List of abbreviations used within the FOSS community, and their definitions and usages.


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FOSS Community Acronyms

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List of abbreviations used within the FOSS community, and their definitions and usages. This list inludes more common english acronyms popular on internet.


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Abbreviation Definition Usage Example
WIP Work In Progress do not merge yet GitLab
ACK ACKnowledgement agreed/accepted change. A loose ACK can be confusing. It's best to avoid them unless it's a documentation/comment only change in which case there is nothing to test/verify; therefore the tested/untested distinction is not there Humanizer, Bitcoin
NACK/NAK Negative ACKnowledgement disagree with the code changes/concept. Should be accompanied by an explanation Bitcoin
tested ACK Tested ACKnowledgment reviewed the code changes and have verified the functionality or bug fix Bitcoin
utACK UnTested ACKnowledgment reviewed and agree with the code changes but haven't actually tested them Bitcoin
Concept ACK Concept ACKnowledgement agree with the idea and overall direction, but haven't reviewed the code changes or tested them Bitcoin
LGTM Looks Good To Me see ACK Cardidy, Simple Icons, proposal-array-grouping
RFC Request For Comments
AFAIK As Far As I Know Diffract
AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell
IIRC If I Recall Correctly
IANAL I Am Not A Lawyer used often before talking about licensing issues HackerNews
CMV Change My View
ITT In This Thread
IMO In My Opinion
CCW Comment and Criticism Welcome
YMMV Your Mileage May Vary
FOSS/FLOSS Free & Open Source Software that is both free software and open-source software where anyone is freely licensed to use, copy, study, and change the software in any way, and the source code is openly shared so that people are encouraged to voluntarily improve the design of the software
PR Pull Request tell others about changes you've pushed to a branch in a repository /r/vuejs
MR Merge Request see PR
MVP Minimum Viable Product a prototype version of a product with the minimum required feature set Wikipedia
NIH Not Invented Here NIH Syndrome is a decision-making error where we tend to value our own ideas above those conceived by people outside of our group learnosity
SOLID Single responsibility, Open-closed, Liskov substitution, Interface segregation and Dependency inversion 5 (of many) software design principles, promoted by Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin wikipedia
SRP Single-Responsibility Principle The single-responsibility principle is a computer-programming principle that states that every module, class or function in a computer program should have responsibility over a single part of that program's functionality, and it should encapsulate that part. wikipedia /r/csharp/
DRY Don't Repeat Yourself This is used in couple with modular programming, and emphasize on code reusability Wikipedia
KISS Keep It Simple, Stupid KISS is a design principle stating that most systems work fine if it is built/kept simple than making the system complex. Wikipedia
YAGNI You Ain't Gonna Need It
FYI For Your Information ArduPilot, F#'s slack
NP No Problem no stress, it is fine
TBD To Be Defined/Done Software Craft Website
ICYMI In Case You Missed It
CoC Code of Conduct
LOC/SLOC (Source) Lines Of Code Above each file on GitHub you can find something like 50 lines (43 sloc). The difference is the empty lines. GitHub
TIL Today I Learned TIL that TIL is Today I Learned /r/ProgrammerTIL/
OOP Object Oriented Programming
FP Functional Programming
CLA Contributor License Agreement Play Framework, Microsoft
ETA Estimated Time of Arrival To ask when something will be ready /r/fsharp
FOUC Flash Of Unstyled Content When a web page appears briefly with the browser's default styles prior to loading an external CSS stylesheet md-block, Wikipedia
VCS Version Control Software a way to keep a track of the changes in the code so that if something goes wrong, we can make comparisons in different code versions and revert to any previous version that we want. Git, SVN or Mercurial are VCS /r/ProgrammerHumor,
SCM Source Code Management see VCS
OP Original Post/Original Poster Original Poster (who started a thread) or Original Post (the message that started it) /r/ProgrammerHumor, StackExchange

Communities, Companies, Organizations

Abbreviation Meaning URL What they do
FSF Free Software Foundation Oversee a number of open source organizations
GNU Collection of free software, a license program of FSF, develops many linux tools and a commonly used license
MS Microsoft Makers of windows, azure, vscode, and other tools that might be relevent to developers
SO StackOverflow Popular question and answer website
GH GitHub Source code host, owned by Microsoft
OSI Open Source Initiative Defining 'Open Source'


Abbreviation Definition Example
LAMP Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (Perl or Python)
LEMP Linux, Nginx Server, MySQL, PHP (Perl or Python)
MEAN MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, Node.js
MERN MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js
SAFE Suave (or Saturn), Azure, Fable, Elmish /r/fsharp
ELK Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana What is the ELK Stack?


List of abbreviations used within the FOSS community, and their definitions and usages.



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