Submission for PPSN 2018
This is the release that accompanies the paper called
"Towards Large-Scale Multiobjective Optimization: Extremely Fast Hybrid Non-Dominated Sorting"
by Margarita Markina (@markina) and Maxim Buzdalov (@mbuzdalov), which is submitted to the Parallel Problem Solving from Nature conference (PPSN).
Below come the plots of the running times for the following algorithms:
- the divide-and-conquer algorithm: JensenFortinBuzdalov
; - the non-dominated tree algorithm (ENS-NDT) with split threshold size 8: ENS
; - the single-tree non-dominated tree algorithm (ENS-NDT-ONE) with split threshold size 8: ENS
; - the hybrid algorithm (tree split threshold size 8, switch-to-tree threshold 100 for dimension 3, 20000 for larger dimensions): JensenFortinBuzdalov