PDF Version of the presentation
After checkout, first create and activate the conda environment:
git clone https://github.com/mbunse/mlcomops.git
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate mlops
On Linux systems, adjust the permissions for the mounted volumes:
chmod -R o+w docker-compose/
Now, in order for the DVC files to be tracked, comment out the lowest highlighted section of the [.gitignore].
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
Create a bucket titanic in Minio.
dvc init -f
dvc remote add -f -d minio s3://titanic/dvcrepo
dvc remote modify minio endpointurl http://localhost:9000
dvc remote modify --local minio access_key_id minio-access-key
dvc remote modify --local minio secret_access_key minio-secret-key
Unignore DVC related files in .gitignore
and comment out everything below
# DVC created during exercises
# ---- comment out starting from here when using dvc -----------
Load data as dvc Stage create and run:
dvc run -n load_data --force -o ../data/interim/train_df.pkl -o ../data/interim/test_df.pkl -o ../data/interim/outlier_df.pkl -d load_data.pct.py -w notebooks python load_data.pct.py
Train model:
dvc run -n train --force -d ../data/interim/train_df.pkl -d train.pct.py -M ../models/score.json -o ../models/model.pkl -o ../models/feat_names.json -w notebooks python train.pct.py
Train Outlier Detector
dvc run -n outlier_detector --force -d ../data/interim/train_df.pkl -d ../data/interim/test_df.pkl -d ../models/feat_names.json -d ../models/model.pkl -d ../data/interim/outlier_df.pkl -o ../models/outlier_detector.pkl -w notebooks python outlier_detector.pct.py
Prepare Explainer
dvc run -n outlier_model --force -w notebooks -d ../data/interim/train_df.pkl -d ../data/interim/test_df.pkl -d ../models/feat_names.json -d ../models/model.pkl -d ../data/interim/outlier_df.pkl -o ../models/explainer.pkl python prepare_explainer.pct.py
Drift Detector
dvc run -n drift_model --force -w notebooks -d ../data/interim/train_df.pkl -d ../data/interim/test_df.pkl -d ../data/interim/outlier_df.pkl -d ../models/model.pkl -d ../models/feat_names.json -o ../models/drift_detector.pkl python drift_detector.pct.py
Push data to Minio bucket
dvc push
python app.py
Find the documentation site for the API at
While the Model API is running, run the following:
openapi-python-client generate --url
Shut down the API (Ctrl + C).
- local Docker installation.
- run
docker-compose up
to have the needed infrastructure available
docker build -t modelapi --build-arg AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=minio-access-key --build-arg AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=minio-secret-key --network="host" .
Then restart the infrastructure containers and start the model API container:
chmod o+x docker-compose/modelapi/data
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.modelapi.yml up
API: http://localhost:8080/docs
Test the API with
(cd notebooks && python call_api.pct.py)
- Open Grafana (username:
, password:12345
) - Open Prometheus
Inspired by Jeremy Jordan A simple solution for monitoring ML systems.