- python >= 3.6.9
Create your own virtual environment, then install all the required packages.
virtualenv -p python3 'venv name'
source 'venv name'/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Make symbolic links for the big folders, which are not in main directory.
ln -s /home/tintin/predictor/model
ln -s /home/tintin/predictor/pickle
Specify text
and segmentation_type
. Call predict()
to get the probabilities of media.
- Create
and write the following code.
from predict import pov.py
text = [text to be predicted]
segmentation_type = [segmentation type] # 'jieba' or 'ckiptagger'
print(predict(text, segmentation_type))
- Run
and you will see an output like
[0.11421281 0.12740344 0.10493702 0.10435487 0.12456657 0.11950728 0.111482 0.10811266 0.08542336]
The output represents the probabilities of [民視 中國時報 公視 中央通訊社 自由時報 PChome Nownews 三立 Ettoday].
- Run frontend
and fastapipredictor.py
concurrently with the following command line. You need to replace the ports with yours.
frontend_port=[frontend_port] fastapi_port=[fastapi_port] npm run web
- Open the website on
[host]:[frontend port]
with your browser.