A small library to parse POMDP environments and policies, load them into Python objects, and provide methods for updating beliefs and accessing data. Depends only on numpy.
pip install -r requirements.txt
The following code shows example usage with the POMDP 'voicemail' (modified 'tiger room') scenario described by Jason Williams in this paper. All relevant files are provided in the examples/
import numpy as np
from pomdp import *
# Filenames.
filename_env = 'examples/env/voicemail.pomdp'
filename_policy = 'examples/policy/voicemail.policy'
# Option 1: Load just environment.
env = POMDPEnvironment(filename_env)
# Option 2: Load just the policy.
policy = POMDPPolicy(filename_policy)
# Option 3: Load 'full POMDP' using env, policy, and belief prior.
pomdp = POMDP(filename_env, filename_policy, np.array([[0.65], [0.35]]))
We continue with Option 3 above and run through the sequence shown in Williams' paper (page 7 of the PDF, page numbered 399). The values output match those expected.
import numpy as np
from pomdp import *
# Load 'full POMDP' using env, policy, and belief prior.
pomdp = POMDP(
'examples/env/voicemail.pomdp', # env
'examples/policy/voicemail.policy', # policy
np.array([[0.65], [0.35]]) # prior
# Let's try some belief updates with the full POMDP.
observations = ['hearDelete', 'hearSave', 'hearSave']
obs_idx = 0
best_action_str = None
while True:
print 'Round', obs_idx + 1
best_action_num, expected_reward = pomdp.get_best_action()
best_action_str = pomdp.get_action_str(best_action_num)
print '\t- action: ', best_action_str
print '\t- expected reward:', expected_reward
if best_action_str != 'ask':
# We have a 'terminal' action (either 'doSave' or 'doDelete')
# The action is 'ask': Provide our next observation.
obs_str = observations[obs_idx]
obs_idx += 1
print '\t- obs given: ', obs_str
obs_num = pomdp.get_obs_num(obs_str)
pomdp.update_belief(best_action_num, obs_num)
# Show beliefs
print '\t- belief: ', np.round(pomdp.belief.flatten(), 3)
# Take the 'terminal' action, and beliefs should be reset to prior.
best_action_num, expected_reward = pomdp.get_best_action()
pomdp.get_obs_num('hearSave')) # Observation doesn't affect this action.
print '\t- belief: ', np.round(pomdp.belief.flatten(), 3)
The following will be output:
Round 1
- action: ask
- expected reward: 3.4619529
- obs given: hearDelete
- belief: [ 0.347 0.653]
Round 2
- action: ask
- expected reward: 2.91002333333
- obs given: hearSave
- belief: [ 0.586 0.414]
Round 3
- action: ask
- expected reward: 3.13453841127
- obs given: hearSave
- belief: [ 0.79 0.21]
Round 4
- action: doSave
- expected reward: 5.14634218527
- belief: [ 0.65 0.35]
For the supported POMDP environment spec, see Tony's POMDP file format description
I built the tool to work with the semantics described on that page, without consulting the formal grammar. If anyone uses this tool and discovers it lacks support for syntax they require, I welcome issues as well as pull requests!
The supported POMDP policy is a list of alpha vectors in XML. For more info, see:
the file
in this repository for an example -
APPL for a solver that outputs this format
Tony's Tutorials to learn more about approximate solvers and the policies they produce
# Install tools for linting and code coverage
pip install pep8 coverage
# Lint
pep8 pomdp.py test/tester.py
# Run tests with code coverage
coverage run --source pomdp -m test.tester
# Generate html coverage report; afterwards, point browser to htmlcov/index.html
coverage html
For a great intro to POMDPs, see section 2.1 of this paper by Jason Williams.
For a solver that takes the supported environment format as input, and outputs the supported policy format, see APPL.
For lots of information about POMDPs, see Tony's POMDP Page.