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Parallel Execution of Make Targets

DomenikP edited this page Aug 30, 2017 · 1 revision


Prerequisites: In order to understand this document, the reader is expected to have a basic understanding of what a Makefile is and how targets in Makefiles are defined in order to accomplish build-related tasks. The reader can refer to the following URL to gain a basic understanding. GNU Make

When running code generation on an mbeddr model, MPS generates source and header files corresponding to the implementation modules in the chosen model and generates a Makefile, which is then run using the "make" command (e.g., GNU make). This command is invoked with no arguments, which causes make to execute the "all" target (default) and all of its dependencies that are specified inside the generated Makefile. For instance, a target to "clean" existing files and another one that compiles source files into object files. Further, running "make" with no arguments executes all targets sequentially, while passing over the "-j" option instructs make to run parallelizable targets at the same time (more on that later).

Importance of running make Targets in parallel

In mbeddr, about 40% of the overall code generation time (m2m, m2t and compilation) when rebuilding projects is spent on running make on the generated source files. Because mbeddr models usually contain multiple implementation modules that get translated to source and header files, we can parallelize the compilation of these files. After introducing this change, we observed that the time taken for parallel makes were almost half the time taken for linear makes in those manual tests, thereby motivating the need for using make's parallel option in mbeddr.

How does the parallel Option work and what are the Challenges?

The "make -j" option works at the granularity of targets. This means that targets are executed in parallel, not tasks inside targets. Consider the following example Makefile snippet:


In this case, "make -j" would only execute targeta and **targetb ** in parallel, but the runtime of statements would be linear, implying that stat1 is always executed before stat2. So parallelizing the execution of a Makefile implies the following two main challenges:

  1. Tasks that are intended to be executed in parallel (eg. compilation of source files) need to be specified in separate targets.
  2. Dependencies between targets must be specified explicitly, e.g., the target for linking object files must depend on the target for compiling source files.


In the following section, we describe how we tackled the previously mentioned challenges by modifying the DesktopPlatform to generate parallelizable Makefiles that can be executed by using the "-j" option.

Note: Makefiles can contain define elements, which define in a macro a bunch of statements. These macros can be used inside a Makefile just like functions in C. This feature was used by the DesktopPlatform in mbeddr to generate a macro for compiling source files. Additionally, the DesktopPlatform generated a foreach loop that expanded this macro for each generated source file. This way, targets were created dynamically, which is not supported when using the "-j" option, .i.e., make needs to figure out dependencies statically before macro expansion. Therefore, we have modified this Makefile generator to generate individual targets for each of the source files to be compiled and created a new target called CompileSources which depends on all of these individual targets. Additionally, we introduced a dependency from the linking target into this new CompileSources target. This way we have not only ensured that the targets for compilation of individual sources are executed in parallel (by being in different non-dependent targets), we have also ensured that linking does not happen before compilation.

Here is the macro that we were talking about in the paragraph before:

define CompileSources
$$(patsubst %.c,$(OBJODIR)/%.o,$$(notdir $(1))): $(1) $(ALL_INCS_ExternalOFile)  | $(OBJODIR)
	$(vecho) "  CC $$<"
	$(Q) $(CC) $$(CFLAGS) $(ALL_INCDIR_FLAGS_ExternalOFile) -c -o $$@ $$<

$(foreach asrc, $(sort $(ALL_SRCS_ExternalOFile)), $(eval $(call CompileSources,$(asrc))))

ExternalOFile$(EXEXT): $(ALL_OBJS_ExternalOFile)
ifeq ($(HOST),$(TARGET_ExternalOFile))
	$(vecho) "  LD $@"
	$(Q) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(EXT_LIBDIR_FLAGS_ExternalOFile) $(EXT_LIB_FLAGS_ExternalOFile)
	$(vecho) "Cannot build $(TARGET_ExternalOFile)-specific 'ExternalOFile$(EXEXT)' application under $(HOST)."

As described above, we have modified the DesktopPlatform generator to generate for each source file a separate target and this way omit the not parallelizable macro from the code snippet before. The following snippet shows for an example Makefile how we generate individual targets that we can be executed in parallel:

$(OBJODIR)/TestExternalOFiles.o: TestExternalOFiles.c  $(ALL_INCS_ExternalOFile) | $(OBJODIR)
	$(vecho) "  CC $<"
	$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_INCDIR_FLAGS_ExternalOFile) -c -o $@ $<
$(OBJODIR)/Unittest_Helper.o: Unittest_Helper.c  $(ALL_INCS_ExternalOFile) | $(OBJODIR)
	$(vecho) "  CC $<"
	$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_INCDIR_FLAGS_ExternalOFile) -c -o $@ $<
$(OBJODIR)/Unittest_Helper_NonIsolated.o: Unittest_Helper_NonIsolated.c  $(ALL_INCS_ExternalOFile) | $(OBJODIR)
	$(vecho) "  CC $<"
	$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_INCDIR_FLAGS_ExternalOFile) -c -o $@ $<
$(OBJODIR)/UnitTestMessages.o: UnitTestMessages.c  $(ALL_INCS_ExternalOFile) | $(OBJODIR)
	$(vecho) "  CC $<"
	$(Q) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_INCDIR_FLAGS_ExternalOFile) -c -o $@ $<

CompileSources:    $(OBJODIR)/TestExternalOFiles.o  $(OBJODIR)/Unittest_Helper.o  $(OBJODIR)/Unittest_Helper_NonIsolated.o  $(OBJODIR)/UnitTestMessages.o

ExternalOFile$(EXEXT): CompileSources
ifeq ($(HOST),$(TARGET_ExternalOFile))
	$(vecho) "  LD $@"
	$(Q) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $^ $(EXT_LIBDIR_FLAGS_ExternalOFile) $(EXT_LIB_FLAGS_ExternalOFile)
	$(vecho) "Cannot build $(TARGET_ExternalOFile)-specific 'ExternalOFile$(EXEXT)' application under $(HOST)."

Using the Parallel make Feature in mbeddr

mbeddr comes with the Platform concept that is extended in order to customize the generation of Makefiles. We have designed a new Interface IGeneratesToMakeFile in the com.mbeddr.core.make language that contains a virtual method called canBeParallelized that controls whether a Makefile that has been generated for the specific platform (a subconcept of Platform) can be run in parallel. The default implementation of this method in the abstract concept Platform returns false. But, if a specific subconcept of Platform generates a Makefile that can be parallelized, then the developer simply needs to override the canBeParallelized method by returning true. This ensures that the runMake facet of mbeddr, which is responsible for running make after text generation, employs the parallel make execution process for Makefiles that are generated by a Platform that can be parallelized. As an example, the canBeParallelized implementation for DesktopPlatform currently returns true, thus instructing the runMake facet to run generated Makefiles in parallel.

Number of Workers

The "-j" option accepts an optional number that can be specified to indicate the amount of workers that run make targets in parallel. The runMake facet sets this number to (number of cores - 1). This choice makes sure that there is one core left that can be used for external IO operations. Not using all cores is a best practice and prevents the system from freezing.