FIXME: create a basic class, inherited from all the actual instruments?
Container for utilities needed around the code.
Requirements: time
, datetime
, pyqtgraph
Partial wrapper for SCPI instructions for the Tektronix AFG3000 pulser.
Requirements: pyvisa
, numpy
, time
Partial wrapper for the lecroyDso class.
Requirements: lecroydso
, time
Partial wrapper for the low-level interface for the keysight DAQ970A SCPI commands. The config used here is very specific for the TVAC tests for the AMS-L0 upgrade. Update the configuration before other usage.
Includes the generic class daq970a
, and a AMSL0-TVAC specific class qlcsTvacDaq970
Requirements: pyvisa
, re
, os
, sys
, errno
, numpy
, utils
Partial wrapper for the low-level interface for a SCPI-controlled power supply, with multiple channels.
Requirements: pyvisa
, utils
Performs a test pulse scan with
Requirements: pulser
, dso
, argparse
, numpy
, time
Read a log file from the DAQ970A configured for the AMS-L0 TVAC tests and plot the variables.
Requirements: sys
, pandas
, matplotlib.pyplot
GUI for the PSU and DAQ970A for the AMS-L0 TVAC tests. Includes also the temperature control with a two-thresholds algorithm.
Requirements: sys
, pyqtgraph
, time
, datetime
, psu
, utils
, daq970a
, PyQt5
, matplotlib
GUI for a generic PSU.
Requirements: sys
, pyqtgraph
, time
, datetime
, os
, psu
, utils
, PyQt5
, matplotlib
Show a track acquired with the dso class.
Requirements: numpy
, matplotlib.pyplot
, lecroyparses
, sys