February 6, 2024
- Updated CK-editor
January 30, 2024
- [#974] Updated maximum length on procedureLink to 1000 characters.
- Updated dependecies
September 13, 2023
- [#967] Clear "toelichting" when product availability is set to unknown or yes.
June 21, 2023
- [#963] Added label "decentrale link" in preview page.
- [#964] Improved "decentrale link" validation error messages.
June 1, 2023
- [#958] Added placeholder hint for URL-fields
- [#956] Collapse "specifieke tekst" based on "product aanwezig/valt onder" flags.
- [#954] Added popup to warn users about clearing user data
- [#932/#950] Added preview links to national portals.
- [#213] Added email notifications for changed standard texts.
- [#934] Changed existing explanation texts for all relevant products ending in " omdat..." to ".".
- [#929] Removed the posibility to link eu-burger products to eu-bedrijf products (and vice versa).
- [#839] Made the layout for links consistent.
- [#933] Placeholders no longer prevent saving products that are not offered or linked to another product.
- [#786] Set product title to standard text title if empty.
- [#931] Prevent publication of products that have the initial offered status of "unknown".
- [#930] URLs are now validated to start with "https://" to prevent insecure URLs.
February 16, 2023
- [#918] Fixed the possibility (data model) to create products with duplicate version numbers via the CMS.
- [#924] Added function to prevent double-clicks on the "save" button in the CMS.
- [#922] Fixed identifying "bevoegde organisaties", in the (create) API, when there are multiple using the same name.
- Added cleanup of obsolete generic product texts to prevent duplicate UUIDs when GT API reuses them.
- Added explanation of the "raadpleger" rol to introduction text in the CMS
- Fixed issue when loading the GT API and some products in the API response lacked the "links"-attribute.
- Fixed "productValtOnder" in the (create) API to only search for products by their "upnUri" within the same doelgroep.
January 23, 2023
- Changed product title field to hold upto 150 characters. This is for both the CMS as the API.
January 17, 2023
- Fixed access to locations in the CMS when products are disabled
- Fixed breadcrumb to show correctly on the organisation page
- Changed invite mail to adhere to organisation style
- Changed error message when providing invalid product-identifying products in API to be more clear.
- Changed sync process to continue when some Logius imports fail
- Fixed incorrect organisation type shown as label in the preview page.
January 6, 2023
- [#905] Fixed adding bevoegde organisaties that wasn't functioning in some cases
- [#895] Added preview of concept texts
- [#844] Added command to correct explanation fields that are unmodified from the template
- [#871] Added logic to remove generic products if they are no longer used
- Fixed notifications that were sometimes missing after saving
- Fixed field ordering to match between the CMS and the preview
- Changed that products without a generic text are now visible in the reference catalog
- Changed email addresses to be case-insensitive
- Added "dump" command for product, to generate a full list of all products
- Updated to Python 3.10 and Debian 11 slim image
- Various small changes
API changes
- [#847] Added generic product texts resource to the API
- [#824] Remove explanation texts (in the API output) if they are not needed
- Changed product detail and list resources to also show products that have no generic text
- Changed the list of products shown nested in the catalog resource to use the same logic as the product list resource
December 19, 2022
- Changed "Het Waterschapshuis" to "Unie van Waterschappen" per request
- Changed error message for issue #856 to be more clear per request
- Visually removed feature #845 (hide products) per request
December 14, 2022
- [#838] Fixed preview labels not being translated
- [#868] Fixed crash in rare cases when a known "bevoegde organisatie" was added
- [#854] Removed the "..." suffix from the default reasons
- [#845] Added visibility option to hide products from the national portals
- [#841] Added validation for unchanged "product valt onder toelichting"
- [#843] Added validation for unchanged "product aanwezig toelichting"
- [#856] Added placeholder validation. You can no longer publish texts with "[" or "XX" in them.
- [#827] Added different layout styles for different layers of government.
- Fixed creating a new product version in the admin (although you typically should not do this)
- Added ability to admins to enable concepts/future product publications for API clients
API changes
- [#859] Fixed showing duplicates when going over paginated lists
- [#857] Fixed uncatched error when passing an empty string as catalog
- [#875] Fixed uncatched error when providing an invalid location name
- [#866] Fixed missing location address details for products (they are re-added)
- [#879] Added UUID-attribute to locations
- [#861] Providing an invalid API-token now gives an error instead of continuing as anonymous
- Fixed the product translations-attribute to show as nullable in the API schema
- Fixed the product version-attribute to show up as read-only in the API schema
- Concept products are no longer returned in API responses unless you have write-permission.
- Several major performance improvements
November 25, 2022
- [#793] Added webform to preview
- [#837] Moved publication column in product list page to last column
- [#815] Fixed product list in "product valt onder"
- [#846] Fixed missing label configuration
- [#831] Fixed save notifications from not showing up
- [#825] Added SDG_CMS_PRODUCTS_DISABLED setting to limit CMS functions
- Fixed issue with detecting proper IP in whitelist
- Various admin improvements
- Added support for water authorities.
November 10, 2022
- [#801] Added extra admin fields to filter and sort on
- [#800] Added validation on duplicate name per organisation in the API
- [#751] Added "has costs" field to edit/list pages
- [#799] Added missing lock icon
- [#769] Added periodic task to update status for generic products
- [#576] Added "raadpleger" role
- [#750] Added goatcounter
- [#214] Added notifications page and updated revision list
- [#617] Added sticky toolbox for product editing
- [#770] Added ordering for user model
- [#758] Added localization for preview page
- [#662] Added decentrale procedure label to CMS
- [#819] Excluded products based on generic status
- [#408] Organizations no longer have an enddate by default.
- [#408] Ensure the API does not return inactive organizations
- [#807] Allow commas in dynamic array fields
- [#576] Fixed edit view and added raadpleger on missing places.
- [#811] How to deal with new/old products
- [#809] Exclude certain generic product status
- [#792] Display information area in product view
- [#808] Textual updates
- [#798] Apply notification improvements
- [#791] Make services fetching more robust to handle DPC API without schema
- [#435] Updated regex for simple HTML detection
- [#484] Ensure logger saves instance name so they are shown when deleted
- [#790] Pass context request for reverse
- [#759] Apply siteconfig and include to templates
- [#785] Ensure proper validation for invitation password
- [#784] Disabled registration / enumeration
- [#671] Updated data loading from services (use "upnUri")
- [#617] Minor styling adjustments
- [#747] Updated text for product-valt-onder
- Create reference product versions if missing
- Fixed several minor security issues
- Added API docs to indicate IM version
- Upgraded libraries
September 22, 2022
- [#757] Fixed showing date in message for future publications
- [#742] Fixed bug in the CMS when hosted on a subpath
- [#714] Added command to update English texts with reference texts
- [#399] Added search and filter on otp devices
- [#511] Added product status concept
- [#724] Added correct version control, based on date
- [#622] Changed field label config to be language specific
- [#734] Removed related products entirely
- [#716] Optimized calculation of publication date
API changes
- [#732] Fixed API crash when not sending a bevoegdeOrganisatie
- [#723] Fixed bug that crashed the product API endpoint when trying toset verwijzinglinks
- [#722] Added optional IP whitelisting for API access
- [#738] Added a organisation update endpoint for contact details
- [#662] Changed procedureLink to object(label, url)
- [#740] Changed error handeling to match the to NL API strategy
- [#741] Changed error messages to the Dutch language
- [#734] Changed the way to identify locations (by name and URI)
- [#729] Changed the name of certain API fields according to IM 1.6
- [#736] Removed identify based on label
August 18, 2022
This release introduces changes to the project requested by IPO, making the project suitable for not only municipalities but also for provinces.
- [#405] Added servers to (rendered) APIschema
- [#672] Added doelgroep to the duplicate product choices
- [#604] Added field contact formulier link to lokale overheid
- [#637] Changed colour of the i-tag in the CMS
- [#650] Removed empty list option for bevoegde organisatie
- [#621] Improved outlining of preview page
- [#651] Added button to resend mail
- [#692] Added markdown validation
- [#685] Changed list-item styling
- [#683] Added javascript that closes the toelichting on page load when empty
- [#447] Addded styling for the use backup token button
- [#667] Created a landing page for the API on /api.
- [#681] Made doelgroep a required field in the API
- [#691] Added last seen date to API token
- [#660] Changed bevoegde organisatie naam to be unique
- [#669] Created a Postman collection for the supported API calls
- [#668] Added the option to import different data depending on the organization type
- [#666] Allow CMS to be disabled
API changes
- [#670] Added (better) documentation in the API schema
- [#722] Added API IP-restrictions
- [#635, #675] Added API autorisations
- [#629] Added writable product API endpoint
- [#630] Added writable location API endpoint
June 30, 2022
- [#551] Allow indenting bullet lists.
- [#607] Remove search from list product page.
- [#619] Changed location name max length from 40 to 80
- [#606] Changed standard publicatie date to today or future date
- [#450] Disabled submition on enter
- [#540] Added info tool tip to explain the buttons
- [#558] Added ordering numbers
- [#628] Optimized product version query in admin page
- [#610] Changed organisation help text
- [#583] Catch rare case where the UPN is no longer available.
- [#432] Added explanation for save buttons
- [#618] Added notice about lesser menu items when no organisation is selected
- [#565] Changed the column title from "aanwezig" to "aangeboden"
- Fixed tooltips after review.
- Changed tooltip text after review.
- Added CodeQL action
June 3, 2022
- [#648] Fixed unwanted whitespacing caused by #641
June 1, 2022
- [#644] Fixed the position of the compare labels
- [#642] Fixed the colour of the compare labels
- [#641] Fixed linebreaks to be visable on the preview page
May 24, 2022
API changes
- The attribute "huisnummer" is now a string.
CMS changes
- [#636] Increased invite period to 8 weeks
- [#609] Removed code that was blocking softbreaks
- [#608] Added decentrale procedure link to the _get_specifieke_taal_producten
- [#605] Added function that retrieves value from the translation api
- [#603] Changed huisnummer field in oranisatie model to charfield
- [#600] Added dom elements so the js can detect all organisations
- [#593] Changed empty tests to working tests
- [#588] Added template block tags to show referentie product
- [#585] Added showdown to render the diff elements as markdown
- [#581] Changed str of lokale overheid and organisation to display end date
- [#559] Added standard labels for algemene gegevens
- [#545] Added if statements to check if the input variable has data
- [#543] Added ordering for inforamtiegebieden
- Prevents an infinite loop when cached value is None.
- Prevent removal of default auth org.
- Do not create catalogs for expired orgs.
- Sort products by default.
- Moved bevoegde organisaties in scope of reference products.
- Show "my text" when comparing to my text.
- Moved the toelichtingen fields to be under the pulldowns
- Generic product is now on all products.
- Bevoegde organisatie is mandatory and by default the verantwoordelijke organisatie.
- Removed duplicate tests
- Remove and don't allow zombie products
- Updated all JS en Python packages.
- Updated admin menu
April 21, 2022
- [#519] Fixed incorrect lock-icon shown on locations.
- [#534] Fixed bullet styling
- [#557] Fixed admin field config
- [#538, #541] Fixed Firefox issues
- [#553] Added history tab on the edit page
- [#579] Added title and specific texts to preview if provided
April 20, 2022
- [#418] Added preview functions
- [#562] Removed unaccessible menu items.
- Various textual changes
April 8, 2022
- Revamped the base layout
- Revamped the product list layout
- Revamped the product edit layout
- Changed API spec to be more consistent (AOS version 1.1.0)
- Fixed the way importing themes and information areas works
- Fixed identifying municipalities in the list of government organisations
- Refactored the way filling catalogs with products works
- Various textual changes
- [#520] Added succesfull messages on submit and delition of the user dropdown menu pages
- [#448] Changed invite mail texts
- [#510] changed max length of title fields from 80 to 100
- [#505] Removed contactnaam
- [#437] Added bevoegde organisaties
- [#472] Limit editor headings
- [#451] Allow collapsing text blocks
- [#446] Import generic product descriptions from the national portals
- [#424] Hide certain fields for reference products
- [#439] Add "product valt onder" fields
April 1, 2022
- Updated generic product admin with extra filters and columns.
January 24, 2022
- Initial release after 6 sprints, covering the mandatory and many optional requirements.