Introduction to scientific python.
The material mostly comes from the
- PeP et al. Toolbox Workshop
- A workshop for Astronomers and Particle Physicists at IFAE and ICE
- The Second Asterics-Obelics School 2018
- The Third Asterics-Obelics School 2019
- Python Workshop GRK Uni Freiburg 2019
- Escape Data Science School 2021
- Escape Data Science School 2022
And was put together and presented by @kbruegge and me.
For the statistics and machine learning lecture I teach, see
@kbruegge and me also gave a machine learning tutorial @ DPG Frühjahrstagung Aachen 2019:
The code examples in this material are shared under the GnuGPLv3 license. The lecture material (e.g. jupyter notebooks) are shared under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License:, so they cannot be used for commercial training / tutorials / lectures.