Please, take a look to interface com.getintent.interview.MonochromeScreen and it's documentation. Implement only init() and drawHorizontalLine() methods according to their signature. Let other methods throw UnsupportedOperationException.
Please, note that key problem here is finding efficient memory structure for storing screen state
Please, take a look to interface com.getintent.interview.TreeWriter interface. Implement it according to documentation.
The same as Task 2, but also implement the code that restores (parses) the tree back from it's written form.
When implementing and submitting tasks you should:
- Clone repository
- Implement the task
- Write a unit tests that checks that your implementation is correct
- Ideally you make a fork and pull request on GitHub. Archiving you local repository and sending to us also works.
If something is unclear, don't hesitate to write an email to [email protected]