What it does import:
- meshes
- materials
- textures
- uv mapping
- bones
- bone weights
What it does not import:
- animations: I did some experiments on this as well, but the necessary effort wasn't justified in my case.
- Blender 2.7x
- I think I did not implement the whole B3d spec, but only the subset I needed for my files. If your files don't convert correctly, feel free to raise an issue.
- Start Blender 2.7x
- Delete your Scene [optional]
- Paste the script from import.py into the Blender editor
- Replace "!!!!!PATH_TO_B3D_FILE!!!!!" in line 8 with the path of your B3d file
- Hit the "Run Script" button
Why creating this when there is Assimp ?
Assimmp did neither convert import bones nor bone weights correctly. I chose to do this In python as I felt it to be easier thant getting started with c++ and the assimp api.