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Refactor most command handling code out of Main.
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  • Loading branch information
mattpolzin committed Dec 4, 2022
1 parent 70c309f commit 0773047
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Showing 2 changed files with 256 additions and 188 deletions.
240 changes: 240 additions & 0 deletions src/Commands.idr
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@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
module Commands

import Data.Config
import Data.Date
import Data.List
import Data.Promise
import Data.PullRequest
import Data.SortedMap
import Data.String
import Data.User

import BashCompletion
import Config
import FFI.Concurrency
import FFI.Git
import FFI.GitHub
import Graph
import Label
import PullRequest
import Reviewer
import User
import Util

import Language.JSON
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter
import Text.PrettyPrint.Prettyprinter.Render.Terminal

%default total

sync : Config => Octokit =>
Promise ()
sync = ignore $ syncConfig True

||| Provide information about who the current user is when
||| they execute `harmony whoami`.
whoami : Config => Git => Octokit =>
Promise ()
whoami = printInfoOnSelf

||| Provide information on the curent user's recent work and currrent
||| workflow when they execute `harmony relfect`.
reflect : Config => Octokit =>
Promise ()
reflect = reflectOnSelf

||| Print the URI for the current branch's PR or create a new PR if one
||| does not exist when the user executes `harmony pr`
pr : Config => Git => Octokit =>
Promise ()
pr = do
(Identified, pr) <- identifyOrCreatePR !currentBranch
| _ => pure ()
putStrLn pr.webURI

||| Assign the given teams & users as reviewers when the user executes
||| `harmony assign ...`.
assign : Config => Git => Octokit =>
(assignArgs : List String)
-> {default False dry : Bool}
-> Promise ()
assign args {dry} =
do (_, openPr) <- identifyOrCreatePR !currentBranch
let (forcedReviewers, teamNames) = partitionedArgs
requestReviewers openPr teamNames forcedReviewers {dry}
-- partition args into user logins and team slugs
partitionedArgs : (List String, List String)
partitionedArgs =
let part = partition (isPrefixOf "+") args
in mapFst (map $ drop 1) part

||| Apply the given labels to the current PR when the user executes
||| `harmony label <label> ...`.
label : Config => Git => Octokit =>
(labels : List String)
-> Promise ()
label @{config} labels =
do (_, openPr) <- identifyOrCreatePR !currentBranch
let finalLabels = unslugify config.repoLabels <$> labels
allLabels <- addLabels openPr finalLabels
renderIO $ vsep
[ "Added" <++> putLabels finalLabels <+> " to PR."
, pretty "All labels for PR of \{openPr.headRef}:" <++> putLabels allLabels <+> "."
||| In order to support tab completion of multi-word labels, spaces have been turned into
||| another character to "slugify" the labels. Still, it is possible the user has entered
||| a label that literally contains the character used during slugification, so to
||| unslugify, we first see if a label appears in the configured list of labels. If it does
||| then we use it exactly but if it doesn't then we unslugify it before using it.
unslugify : (configLabels : List String) -> (slugifiedLabel : String) -> String
unslugify configLabels slugifiedLabel =
case find (== slugifiedLabel) configLabels of
Just label => label
Nothing => BashCompletion.unslugify slugifiedLabel

putLabel : String -> Doc AnsiStyle
putLabel = enclose "\"" "\"" . annotate (color Green) . pretty

putLabels : List String -> Doc AnsiStyle
putLabels = hcat . intersperse (pretty ", ") . map putLabel

||| List members of a given team when the user executes
||| `harmony list <team>`.
list : Config => Octokit =>
(team : String)
-> Promise ()
list @{config} team =
do teamMemberLogins <- sort <$> listTeamMembers team
teamMembersJson <- promiseAll =<< traverse forkedUser teamMemberLogins
teamMembers <- traverse (either . parseUser) teamMembersJson
renderIO . vsep $ putNameLn <$> teamMembers
forkedUser : (login : String) -> Promise Future
forkedUser = fork . ("user --json " ++)

putNameLn : User -> Doc AnsiStyle
putNameLn user =
hsep [(fillBreak 15 . annotate italic $ pretty user.login), "-", (pretty]

data GraphArg : Type where
TeamName : String -> GraphArg
IncludeCompletedReviews : GraphArg

teamNameArg : GraphArg -> Maybe String
teamNameArg (TeamName n) = Just n
teamNameArg _ = Nothing

||| Graph the PR review workload for each member of the given team when
||| the user executes `harmony graph <team>`.
graph : Config => Octokit =>
List GraphArg
-> Promise ()
graph @{config} args = do
let includeCompletedReviews = find (\case IncludeCompletedReviews => True; _ => False) args
let Just teamName = head' $ mapMaybe teamNameArg args
| Nothing => reject "The graph command expects the name of a GitHub Team as an argument."
teamMemberLogins <- listTeamMembers teamName
prs <- listPartitionedPRs 100 {pageBreaks=4}
let (openReviewers, closedReviewers) = prs.allReviewers
completedReviews <-
case (isJust includeCompletedReviews) of
True => countReviewsByEachUser (combined prs)
False => pure empty
renderIO $ reviewsGraph closedReviewers openReviewers teamMemberLogins (Just completedReviews)

(<||>) : Alternative t => (a -> t b) -> (a -> t b) -> a -> t b
(<||>) f g x = f x <|> g x

infix 2 <||>

||| Parse arguments for the graph command.
parseGraphArgs : List String -> Either String (List GraphArg)
parseGraphArgs [] = Right []
parseGraphArgs (x :: y :: z :: xs) =
Left "graph accepts at most one team name and the --completed flag."
parseGraphArgs args =
case (traverse (parseCompletedFlag <||> parseTeamArg) args) of
Just args => Right args
Nothing =>
Left "The graph command expects the name of a GitHub Team and optionally --completed as arguments."
parseCompletedFlag : String -> Maybe GraphArg
parseCompletedFlag "-c" = Just IncludeCompletedReviews
parseCompletedFlag "--completed" = Just IncludeCompletedReviews
parseCompletedFlag _ = Nothing

parseTeamArg : String -> Maybe GraphArg
parseTeamArg str = Just (TeamName str)

data ContributeArg = Checkout | Skip Nat

skipArg : ContributeArg -> Maybe Nat
skipArg (Skip n) = Just n
skipArg _ = Nothing

||| Present the user with a PR to review when they execute
||| `harmony contribute`.
contribute : Config => Git => Octokit =>
(args : List ContributeArg)
-> Promise ()
contribute @{config} args =
do openPrs <- listPullRequests config.repo (Just Open) 100
myLogin <- login <$> getSelf
let skip = fromMaybe 0 (head' $ mapMaybe skipArg args)
let checkout = find (\case Checkout => True; _ => False) args
let filtered = filter (not . isAuthor myLogin) openPrs
let parted = partition (isRequestedReviewer myLogin) filtered
let (mine, theirs) = (mapHom $ sortBy (compare `on` .createdAt)) parted
let pr = head' . drop skip $ mine ++ theirs
case pr of
Nothing => reject "No open PRs to review!"
Just pr => do
whenJust (checkout $> pr.headRef) $ \branch => do
checkoutBranch branch
putStrLn pr.webURI

||| Parse arguments to the contribute subcommand.
parseContributeArgs : List String -> Either String (List ContributeArg)
parseContributeArgs [] = Right []
parseContributeArgs (_ :: _ :: _ :: _) =
Left "contribute's arguments must be either -<num> to skip num PRs or --checkout (-c) to checkout the branch needing review."
parseContributeArgs args =
case (traverse (parseSkipArg <||> parseCheckoutFlag) args) of
Just args => Right args
Nothing =>
Left "contribute's arguments must be either -<num> to skip num PRs or --checkout (-c) to checkout the branch needing review."
parseCheckoutFlag : String -> Maybe ContributeArg
parseCheckoutFlag "-c" = Just Checkout
parseCheckoutFlag "--checkout" = Just Checkout
parseCheckoutFlag _ = Nothing

parseSkipArg : String -> Maybe ContributeArg
parseSkipArg skipArg =
case unpack skipArg of
('-' :: skip) => map (Skip . cast) . parsePositive $ pack skip
_ => Nothing

||| Print the GitHub URI for the current branch when the user
||| executes `harmony branch`.
branch : Config => Git => Promise ()
branch @{config} = do
branch <- currentBranch
let org =
let repo = config.repo
let uri = "\{org}/\{repo}/tree/\{branch}"
putStrLn uri

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