A command line tool that will make it easy to rip and tag your dvd collection. It ties together many great tools to get the job done. -- HandBrake, AtomicParsley, exiftool, imdb and tmdb.
It takes a bit on configuration, but once it is setup, ripping your DVD collection will be a breeze.
Install Handbrake: downloads Install HandBrakeCLI: downloads
$ brew install AtomicParsley
$ brew install exiftool
$ brew install tag
$ brew install libdvdcss
$ gem install dvd_ripper
$ dvd_ripper
The filename should have the title and year in the following format: /path/title (year).mov
$ dvd_ripper tag /path/to_file
$ xcode-select --install
$ gem install nokogiri -- --use-system-libraries
$ bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries
- Make sure that you have the same version of HandBrake and HandBrakeCLI
- Make sure that you have installed libdvdcss
http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/AtomicParsley.1.html https://github.com/cparratto/atomic-parsley-ruby
http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/ http://miniexiftool.rubyforge.org
https://github.com/ahmetabdi/themoviedb https://github.com/ariejan/imdb
- Add ability to set HandBrake encoding options
- Add better support for TV show ripping
- for i in
seq 4
; do HandBrakeCLI --input /dev/dvd --title $i --preset Normal --output NameOfDisc_Title$i.mp4; done - Add auto-continue timeout on dvd title confirmation