S3.FMA is a thin Python wrapper around boto to perform specific high level file management tasks on an AWS S3 Bucket.
You must have boto installed to use S3.FMA. For directions to installing boto see this post
The S3.FMA programming model looks like this:
from S3FMA import *
AWS_KEY = 'my key'
AWS_SECRET = 'my secret'
s3FileManager = S3FileManager(AWS_KEY, AWS_SECRET, use_ssl = True)
# returns a list of files stored in bucket 'mybucket'
fileNames = s3FileManager.getFileNamesInBucket('mybucket')
for f in filenames:
print f
# download a file named 'fileToDownload.txt' from bucket 'mybucket' to '~/Downloads/download_to_here/'
s3FileManager.downloadFileFromBucket('mybucket', 'fileToDownload.txt', '~/Downloads/download_to_here/')
# download all of the files in bucket 'mybucket' to the '~/Downloads/download_to_here/'
s3FileManager.downloadAllFilesFromBucket('mybucket', '~/Downloads/download_to_here/')
# download files that contain the word 'foo' in their name from 'mybucket' to '~/Downloads/download_to_here/'
s3FileManager.downloadFilesInBucketWithPredicate('mybucket', lambda filename: 'foo' in filename, '~/Downloads/download_to_here/')
# delete all files in bucket 'mybucket'
# delete files that contain the word 'foo' in their name from 'mybucket'
s3FileManager.deleteFilesInBucketWithPredicate('mybucket', lambda filename: 'foo' in filename)