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aoberoi committed Dec 13, 2017
1 parent 898d549 commit b0b4588
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Showing 3 changed files with 49 additions and 55 deletions.
19 changes: 0 additions & 19 deletions

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion requirements.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
83 changes: 48 additions & 35 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,70 @@
import os
import time
import re
from slackclient import SlackClient

# starterbot's ID as an environment variable
BOT_ID = os.environ.get("BOT_ID")
# instantiate Slack client
slack_client = SlackClient(os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'))
# starterbot's user ID in Slack: value is assigned after the bot starts up
starterbot_id = None

# constants
AT_BOT = "<@" + BOT_ID + ">"
RTM_READ_DELAY = 1 # 1 second delay between reading from RTM
MENTION_REGEX = "^<@(|[WU].+)>(.*)"

# instantiate Slack & Twilio clients
slack_client = SlackClient(os.environ.get('SLACK_BOT_TOKEN'))
def parse_bot_commands(slack_events):
Parses a list of events coming from the Slack RTM API to find bot commands.
If a bot command is found, this function returns a tuple of command and channel.
If its not found, then this function returns None, None.
for event in slack_events:
if event["type"] == "message" and not "subtype" in event:
user_id, message = parse_direct_mention(event["text"])
if user_id == starterbot_id:
return message, event["channel"]
return None, None

def parse_direct_mention(message_text):
Finds a direct mention (a mention that is at the beginning) in message text
and returns the user ID which was mentioned. If there is no direct mention, returns None
matches =, message_text)
# the first group contains the username, the second group contains the remaining message
return (, if matches else (None, None)

def handle_command(command, channel):
Receives commands directed at the bot and determines if they
are valid commands. If so, then acts on the commands. If not,
returns back what it needs for clarification.
Executes bot command if the command is known
response = "Not sure what you mean. Use the *" + EXAMPLE_COMMAND + \
"* command with numbers, delimited by spaces."
# Default response is help text for the user
default_response = "Not sure what you mean. Try *{}*.".format(EXAMPLE_COMMAND)

# Finds and executes the given command, filling in response
response = None
# This is where you start to implement more commands!
if command.startswith(EXAMPLE_COMMAND):
response = "Sure...write some more code then I can do that!"
slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel,
text=response, as_user=True)

def parse_slack_output(slack_rtm_output):
The Slack Real Time Messaging API is an events firehose.
this parsing function returns None unless a message is
directed at the Bot, based on its ID.
output_list = slack_rtm_output
if output_list and len(output_list) > 0:
for output in output_list:
if output and 'text' in output and AT_BOT in output['text']:
# return text after the @ mention, whitespace removed
return output['text'].split(AT_BOT)[1].strip().lower(), \
return None, None

# Sends the response back to the channel
text=response or default_response

if __name__ == "__main__":
READ_WEBSOCKET_DELAY = 1 # 1 second delay between reading from firehose
if slack_client.rtm_connect():
print("StarterBot connected and running!")
if slack_client.rtm_connect(with_team_state=False):
print("Starter Bot connected and running!")
# Read bot's user ID by calling Web API method `auth.test`
starterbot_id = slack_client.api_call("auth.test")["user_id"]
while True:
command, channel = parse_slack_output(slack_client.rtm_read())
if command and channel:
command, channel = parse_bot_commands(slack_client.rtm_read())
if command:
handle_command(command, channel)
print("Connection failed. Invalid Slack token or bot ID?")
print("Connection failed. Exception traceback printed above.")

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