Power the success of your social network application with this back end API built with Express.js, Mongoose, MongoDB and NoSQL.
To install this application, clone this repository to your local machine and install all relevant packages by executing 'npm install'. Please note, Node.js must be installed on your local machine for this application to run.
To view a live demonstation of this application, please visit this link.
To start the live server for the social network database, execute 'npm start' or 'node server.js'.
Use Insomnia (or your preferred API testing application) to test the CRUD operations for the 'socialNetworkDB' database.
Firstly, seed your database by creating users:
Once the database has been seeded with users, they can be retrieved via 'getUsers' or 'getUserByID' routes from the 'socialNetworkDB':
User data can be updated using the implemented 'updateUserByID' route:
Users can also be deleted via the 'deleteUserByID' route (not demonstrated). Additionally, users can add friends via the 'addFriend' route:
Users can delete friends via the 'deleteFriend' route (not demonstrated). A users 'friendCount' will update when the number of friends a user has changes:
Users can add new 'thoughts' via the 'newThought' route:
Users can add 'reactions' to their own or another users 'thought'. Adversely, a reaction can be deleted via the 'deleteReactionByID' route (not demonstrated):
Each time a new reaction is added to a thought, the 'reactionCount' for a thought will update. Additionally, routes have been implemented for users to get all thoughts (getThoughts), get thought by ID (getThoughtByID), update (updateThoughtByID) and delete (deleteThoughtByID):
This project was developed by Matt Kelly.
There are no tests associated with this project.
This project is not licensed. For more information regarding licences, please visit this link: https://opensource.org/license/
Please feel free to contact me via my GitHub or email below for any questions associated with this application:
GitHub: mattkellyirl
Email: [email protected]