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Merge pull request BoostIO#1700 from BoostIO/add-korean
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Add korean
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Rokt33r authored Mar 20, 2018
2 parents 2c30f0e + 0d61d9c commit ab8b6d8
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Showing 3 changed files with 116 additions and 107 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion browser/lib/i18n.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
const i18n = new (require('i18n-2'))({
// setup some locales - other locales default to the first locale
locales: ['en', 'sq', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'da', 'fr', 'de', 'ja', 'ko', 'no', 'pl', 'pt', 'es'],
extension: '.json'
extension: '.json',
devMode: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'

export default i18n
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion locales/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -143,5 +143,6 @@
"You have to save!": "You have to save!",
"UserName": "UserName",
"Password": "Password",
"Russian": "Russian"
"Russian": "Russian",
"Command(⌘)": "Command(⌘)"
217 changes: 112 additions & 105 deletions locales/ko.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,135 +1,135 @@
"Notes": "Notes",
"Tags": "Tags",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
"Make a note": "Make a note",
"Notes": "노트",
"Tags": "태그",
"Preferences": "설정",
"Make a note": "노트 생성",
"Ctrl": "Ctrl",
"Ctrl(^)": "Ctrl",
"to create a new note": "to create a new note",
"Toggle Mode": "Toggle Mode",
"Trash": "Trash",
"Words": "Words",
"Letters": "Letters",
"Toggle Mode": "모드 전환",
"Trash": "쓰레기 통",
"Words": "단어 수",
"Letters": "글자 수",
"NOTE LINK": "노트 링크",
".md": ".md",
".txt": ".txt",
".html": ".html",
"Print": "Print",
"Your preferences for Boostnote": "Your preferences for Boostnote",
"Storages": "Storages",
"Add Storage Location": "Add Storage Location",
"Add Folder": "Add Folder",
"Open Storage folder": "Open Storage folder",
"Unlink": "Unlink",
"Edit": "Edit",
"Delete": "Delete",
"Interface": "Interface",
"Interface Theme": "Interface Theme",
"Default": "Delete",
"Print": "인쇄",
"Your preferences for Boostnote": "Boostnote 설정",
"Storages": "저장소",
"Add Storage Location": "저장소 위치 추가",
"Add Folder": "폴더 추가",
"Open Storage folder": "저장소 위치 열기",
"Unlink": "연결 해제",
"Edit": "편집",
"Delete": "삭제",
"Interface": "인터페이스",
"Interface Theme": "인터페이스 테마",
"Default": "Default",
"White": "White",
"Solarized Dark": "Solarized Dark",
"Dark": "Dark",
"Show a confirmation dialog when deleting notes": "Show a confirmation dialog when deleting notes",
"Editor Theme": "Editor Theme",
"Editor Font Size": "Editor Font Size",
"Editor Font Family": "Editor Font Family",
"Editor Indent Style": "Editor Indent Style",
"Show a confirmation dialog when deleting notes": "노트 삭제시 확인 다이얼로그를 보여줌",
"Editor Theme": "에디터 테마",
"Editor Font Size": "에디터 폰트 크기",
"Editor Font Family": "에디터 폰트 종류",
"Editor Indent Style": "에디터 인덴트 스타일",
"Spaces": "Spaces",
"Tabs": "Tabs",
"Switch to Preview": "Switch to Preview",
"When Editor Blurred": "When Editor Blurred",
"When Editor Blurred, Edit On Double Click": "When Editor Blurred, Edit On Double Click",
"On Right Click": "On Right Click",
"Editor Keymap": "Editor Keymap",
"Switch to Preview": "프리뷰 전환",
"When Editor Blurred": "에디터 선택이 풀렸을 때",
"When Editor Blurred, Edit On Double Click": "에디터 선택이 풀렸을 때, 더블클릭으로 편집",
"On Right Click": "우클릭시",
"Editor Keymap": "에디터 키맵",
"default": "default",
"vim": "vim",
"emacs": "emacs",
"⚠️ Please restart boostnote after you change the keymap": "⚠️ Please restart boostnote after you change the keymap",
"Show line numbers in the editor": "Show line numbers in the editor",
"Allow editor to scroll past the last line": "Allow editor to scroll past the last line",
"Bring in web page title when pasting URL on editor": "Bring in web page title when pasting URL on editor",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Preview Font Size": "Preview Font Size",
"Preview Font Family": "Preview Font Family",
"Code block Theme": "Code block Theme",
"⚠️ Please restart boostnote after you change the keymap": "⚠️ 키맵 변경후에는 앱을 다시 재시작해주세요.",
"Show line numbers in the editor": "에디터에서 줄 번호를 보여줌",
"Allow editor to scroll past the last line": "마지막 줄보다 더 밑으로 스크롤 가능하게 해줌",
"Bring in web page title when pasting URL on editor": "URL이 붙여넣기 되었을 때, 웹페이지 타이틀을 가져옴",
"Preview": "프리뷰",
"Preview Font Size": "프리뷰시 폰트 크기",
"Preview Font Family": "프리뷰시 폰트 종류",
"Code block Theme": "코드 블록 테마",
"Allow preview to scroll past the last line": "Allow preview to scroll past the last line",
"Show line numbers for preview code blocks": "Show line numbers for preview code blocks",
"LaTeX Inline Open Delimiter": "LaTeX Inline Open Delimiter",
"LaTeX Inline Close Delimiter": "LaTeX Inline Close Delimiter",
"LaTeX Block Open Delimiter": "LaTeX Block Open Delimiter",
"LaTeX Block Close Delimiter": "LaTeX Block Close Delimiter",
"Community": "Community",
"Subscribe to Newsletter": "Subscribe to Newsletter",
"GitHub": "GitHub",
"Blog": "Blog",
"Facebook Group": "Facebook Group",
"Twitter": "Twitter",
"LaTeX Inline Open Delimiter": "LaTeX 인라인 블록 열기 기호",
"LaTeX Inline Close Delimiter": "LaTeX 인라인 블록 닫기 기호",
"LaTeX Block Open Delimiter": "LaTeX 블록 열기 기호",
"LaTeX Block Close Delimiter": "LaTeX 블록 닫기 기호",
"Community": "커뮤니티",
"Subscribe to Newsletter": "뉴스레터 구독",
"GitHub": "깃허브",
"Blog": "블로그",
"Facebook Group": "페이스북 그룹",
"Twitter": "트위터",
"About": "About",
"Boostnote": "Boostnote",
"An open source note-taking app made for programmers just like you.": "An open source note-taking app made for programmers just like you.",
"Website": "Website",
"Development": "Development",
" : Development configurations for Boostnote.": " : Development configurations for Boostnote.",
"An open source note-taking app made for programmers just like you.": "여러분과 같은 프로그래머를 위한 오픈소스 노트 앱",
"Website": "웹사이트",
"Development": "개발",
" : Development configurations for Boostnote.": " : Boostnote 개발을 위한 설정들.",
"Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 BoostIO": "Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 BoostIO",
"License: GPL v3": "License: GPL v3",
"Analytics": "Analytics",
"Boostnote collects anonymous data for the sole purpose of improving the application, and strictly does not collect any personal information such the contents of your notes.": "Boostnote collects anonymous data for the sole purpose of improving the application, and strictly does not collect any personal information such the contents of your notes.",
"You can see how it works on ": "You can see how it works on ",
"You can choose to enable or disable this option.": "You can choose to enable or disable this option.",
"Enable analytics to help improve Boostnote": "Enable analytics to help improve Boostnote",
"Crowdfunding": "Crowdfunding",
"Dear everyone,": "Dear everyone,",
"Thank you for using Boostnote!": "Thank you for using Boostnote!",
"Boostnote is used in about 200 different countries and regions by an awesome community of developers.": "Boostnote is used in about 200 different countries and regions by an awesome community of developers.",
"To continue supporting this growth, and to satisfy community expectations,": "To continue supporting this growth, and to satisfy community expectations,",
"we would like to invest more time and resources in this project.": "we would like to invest more time and resources in this project.",
"If you like this project and see its potential, you can help by supporting us on OpenCollective!": "If you like this project and see its potential, you can help by supporting us on OpenCollective!",
"Thanks,": "Thanks,",
"Boostnote maintainers": "Boostnote maintainers",
"Support via OpenCollective": "Support via OpenCollective",
"Language": "Language",
"Analytics": "사용 통계/분석",
"Boostnote collects anonymous data for the sole purpose of improving the application, and strictly does not collect any personal information such the contents of your notes.": "Boostnote는 서비스개선을 위해 익명으로 데이터를 수집하며 노트의 내용과같은 일체의 개인정보는 수집하지 않습니다.",
"You can see how it works on ": "여기서 어떻게 작동하는지 확인하실 수 있습니다.",
"You can choose to enable or disable this option.": "사용 통계/분석 수집 여부는 직접 선택하실 수 있습니다.",
"Enable analytics to help improve Boostnote": "Boostnote 개선을 돕기위해 사용 통계/분석 수집 허가",
"Crowdfunding": "크라우드펀딩",
"Dear everyone,": "모두들에게,",
"Thank you for using Boostnote!": "사용해주셔서 감사합니다!",
"Boostnote is used in about 200 different countries and regions by an awesome community of developers.": "Boostnote는 200여개의 국가에서 뛰어난 개발자들에게 사용되어지고 있습니다.",
"To continue supporting this growth, and to satisfy community expectations,": "성장을 계속하기 위해 그리고 커뮤니티의 기대를 만족시키기 위해서,",
"we would like to invest more time and resources in this project.": "저희도 시간과 자원을 더 쏟아붓고 싶습니다.",
"If you like this project and see its potential, you can help by supporting us on OpenCollective!": "만약 이 프로젝트가 마음에 들고 가능성이 보이신다면, 저희를 OpenCollective에서 도와주세요!",
"Thanks,": "감사합니다,",
"Boostnote maintainers": "Boostnote 메인테이너",
"Support via OpenCollective": "OpenCollective로 지원하기",
"Language": "언어(Language)",
"English": "English",
"German": "German",
"French": "French",
"Show \"Saved to Clipboard\" notification when copying": "Show \"Saved to Clipboard\" notification when copying",
"All Notes": "All Notes",
"Starred": "Starred",
"Are you sure to ": "Are you sure to ",
" delete": " delete",
"this folder?": "this folder?",
"Confirm": "Confirm",
"Cancel": "Cancel",
"Markdown Note": "Markdown Note",
"This format is for creating text documents. Checklists, code blocks and Latex blocks are available.": "This format is for creating text documents. Checklists, code blocks and Latex blocks are available.",
"Snippet Note": "Snippet Note",
"This format is for creating code snippets. Multiple snippets can be grouped into a single note.": "This format is for creating code snippets. Multiple snippets can be grouped into a single note.",
"Tab to switch format": "Tab to switch format",
"Updated": "Updated",
"Created": "Created",
"Alphabetically": "Alphabetically",
"Default View": "Default View",
"Compressed View": "Compressed View",
"Search": "Search",
"Blog Type": "Blog Type",
"Blog Address": "Blog Address",
"Save": "Save",
"Auth": "Auth",
"Authentication Method": "Authentication Method",
"All Notes": "모든 노트들",
"Starred": "즐겨찾기",
"Are you sure to ": "정말 이 폴더를",
" delete": " 삭제",
"this folder?": "하시겠습니까?",
"Confirm": "확인",
"Cancel": "취소",
"Markdown Note": "마크다운 노트",
"This format is for creating text documents. Checklists, code blocks and Latex blocks are available.": "텍스트 문서를 작성하기 위한 형식입니다. 체크리스트, 코드블록 그리고 LaTeX블록이 사용가능합니다.",
"Snippet Note": "스닙펫 노트",
"This format is for creating code snippets. Multiple snippets can be grouped into a single note.": "코드스닙펫을 작성하기 위한 형식입니다. 여러개의 스닙펫들을 하나의 노트로 만들 수 있습니다.",
"Tab to switch format": "탭으로 형식을 바꿀 수 있습니다.",
"Updated": "수정일 순",
"Created": "생성일 순",
"Alphabetically": "알파벳 순",
"Default View": "크게 보기",
"Compressed View": "작게 보기",
"Search": "검색",
"Blog Type": "블로그 종류",
"Blog Address": "블로그 주소",
"Save": "저장",
"Auth": "인증",
"Authentication Method": "인증방식",
"JWT": "JWT",
"Token": "Token",
"Storage": "Storage",
"Hotkeys": "Hotkeys",
"Show/Hide Boostnote": "Show/Hide Boostnote",
"Restore": "Restore",
"Permanent Delete": "Permanent Delete",
"Confirm note deletion": "Confirm note deletion",
"This will permanently remove this note.": "This will permanently remove this note.",
"Successfully applied!": "Successfully applied!",
"토큰": "Token",
"저장소": "저장소",
"단축키": "단축키",
"Show/Hide Boostnote": "앱 열기/숨기기",
"Restore": "복구",
"Permanent Delete": "완전 삭제",
"Confirm note deletion": "노트 삭제 확인",
"This will permanently remove this note.": "노트를 완전히 삭제하게 됩니다.",
"Successfully applied!": "설정됨!",
"Albanian": "Albanian",
"Chinese (zh-CN)": "Chinese (zh-CN)",
"Chinese (zh-TW)": "Chinese (zh-TW)",
Expand All @@ -140,6 +140,13 @@
"Polish": "Polish",
"Portuguese": "Portuguese",
"Spanish": "Spanish",
"You have to save!": "You have to save!",
"Russian": "Russian"
"You have to save!": "저장해주세요!",
"Russian": "Russian",
"Command(⌘)": "Command(⌘)",
"Delete Folder": "폴더 삭게",
"This will delete all notes in the folder and can not be undone.": "폴더의 모든 노트를 지우게 되고, 되돌릴 수 없습니다.",
"UserName": "유저명",
"Password": "패스워드",
"Storage": "저장소",
"Hotkeys": "단축키"

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