Monte Carlo simulation of throws on a dart board.
- Each throw is independent
- No bias in throwing
- Each throw follows a multivariate distribution with covariance matrix [σ^2, 0; 0, σ^2]
10000 samples were taken for each point in the grid.
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd dart
Run Julia:
# Activate environment
using Pkg
using Dart
# Sample 400 points from -200 to 200 in each dimension.
xs = range(-200, 200, 400)
ys = range(-200, 200, 400)
# For each point simulate 1000 throws.
# Use covariance matrix [5^2 0; 0 5^2].
zs = expectation_values(xs, ys, [5^2 0; 0 5^2], 1000)
# Plot result
f = draw_heatmap(xs, ys, zs)
- parallelize Code