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LoRaWAN Node for Growatt PV-Inverter Modbus Data Interface


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LoRaWAN Node for Growatt Photovoltaic Inverter Modbus Data Interface

Use this project to monitor your PV Inverter in case it is out of reach of your WiFi access point (and a WiFi repeater would not help/is not wanted) and you are not able to cover the distance with an RS485 cable. Otherwise, the original Growatt ShineWiFi-S (serial) / ShineWiFi-X (USB), the customized otti/Growatt_ShineWiFi-S or nygma2004/growatt2mqtt can be used.

growatt2lorawan Architecture

This is a reimplementation of growatt2lorawan using RadioLib.

  • Scheduled uplink (2 message types)
  • Network time sync
  • Downlink decoding
  • Commanded uplink (configuration)
  • Battery voltage reading


Hardware Requirements

  • ESP32 (optionally with LiPo battery charger and battery)
  • SX1276 or SX1262 (or compatible) LoRaWAN Radio Transceiver
  • LoRaWAN Antenna
  • optional: RS485 Transceiver - 3.3V compatible, half-duplex capable (e.g Waveshare 4777 module)
  • optional: USB-to-TTL converter for Debugging (e.g. AZ Delivery HW-598)

Inverter Modbus Interface Options

  1. USB Interface

    The inverter's USB port operates like a USB serial port (UART) interface at 115200 bits/s. If the length of a standard USB cable is sufficient to connect the ESP32 to the inverter (and there are no compatibility issues with the ESP32 board's USB serial interface), this is the easiest variant, because no extra hardware is needed.

    As pointed out in otti/Growatt_ShineWiFi-S, only CH340-based USB-Serial converters are compatible - converters with CP21XX and FTDI chips do not work!

  2. COM Interface

    The inverter's COM port provides an RS485 interface at 9600 bits/s. An RS485 tranceiver is required to connect it to the ESP32.

Modbus Interface Select Input

The desired interface is selected by pulling the GPIO pin INTERFACE_SEL (defined in settings.h) to 3.3V or GND, respectively:

Level Modbus Interface Selection
low (GND) USB Interface
high (3.3V/open) RS485 Interface

Power Supply

The ESP32 development board can be powered from the inverter's USB port which only provides power if the inverter is active.

No sun - no power - no transmission! 😎

But: Some ESP32 boards have an integrated LiPo battery charger. You could power the board from a battery while there is no PV power (at least for a few hours).

Pinning Configuration

See src/growatt_cfg.h

Modbus Interface Selection

GPIO define Description
INTERFACE_SEL Modbus Interface Selection (USB/RS485)

Modbus via RS485 Interface

GPIO define Waveshare 4777 pin
MAX485_RE_NEG n.c.

Debug Interface in case of using Modbus via USB Interface (optional)

USB-to-TTL converter, e.g. AZ Delivery HW-598

GPIO define USB to TTL Converter

LoRaWAN Network Service Configuration

Create an account and set up a device configuration in your LoRaWAN network provider's web console, e.g. The Things Network.

  • LoRaWAN v1.1
  • Regional Parameters 1.1 Revision A
  • Device class A
  • Over the air activation (OTAA)


Check the maximum permitted payload size and uplink/downlink rate according to your regional parameters and change the configuration if required! See Airtime calculator for LoRaWAN.

Library Dependencies

Software Build Configuration

  • Install the Arduino ESP32 board package in the Arduino IDE
  • Select your ESP32 board
  • Install all libraries as listed in package.json — section 'dependencies' — via the Arduino IDE Library Manager
  • Clone (or download and unpack) the latest (growatt2lorawan-v2 release)
  • Set your LoRaWAN Network Service credentials — RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_DEV_EUI, RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_NWK_KEY and RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_APP_KEY — in secrets.h:
// The Device EUI & two keys can be generated on the TTN console

// Replace with your Device EUI
#define RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_DEV_EUI   0x---------------

// Replace with your App Key
#define RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_APP_KEY   0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--

// Put your Nwk Key here
#define RADIOLIB_LORAWAN_NWK_KEY   0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--, 0x--

LoRaWAN Payload Formatters

Upload Uplink Formatter and Downlink Formatter scripts in your LoRaWAN network service provider's web console to allow decoding / encoding of raw data to / from JSON format.

See The Things Network MQTT Integration and Payload Formatters and TS013-1.0.0 Payload Codec API for more details.

The Things Network Payload Formatters Setup

Uplink Formatter

Decode uplink payload (a sequence of bytes) into JSON format, i.e. data structures which are readable/suitable for further processing.

In The Things Network Console:

  1. Go to "Payload formatters" -> "Uplink"
  2. Select "Formatter type": "Custom Javascript formatter"
  3. "Formatter code": Paste scripts/uplink_formatter.js
  4. Apply "Save changes"

TTN Uplink Formatter

Downlink Formatter

Encode downlink payload from JSON to a sequence of bytes.

In The Things Network Console:

  1. Go to "Payload formatters" -> "Downlink"
  2. Select "Formatter type": "Custom Javascript formatter"
  3. "Formatter code": Paste scripts/downlink_formatter.js
  4. Apply "Save changes"

MQTT Integration and IoT MQTT Panel Example

Arduino App: IoT MQTT Panel


Set up IoT MQTT Panel from configuration file

You can either edit the provided JSON configuration file before importing it or import it as-is and make the required changes in IoT MQTT Panel. Don't forget to add the broker's certificate if using Secure MQTT! (in the App: Connections -> Edit Connections: Certificate path.)

Editing IoT_MQTT_Panel_Growatt2LoRaWAN.json

Change USERNAME and PASSWORD as needed:


Remote Configuration Commands / Status Requests via LoRaWAN

Many software parameters can be defined at compile time, i.e. in BresserWeatherSensorLWCfg.h. A few parameters can also be changed and queried at run time via LoRaWAN, either using raw data or using Javascript Uplink/Downlink Formatters.


Parameter Description
<sleep_interval> Sleep interval (regular) in seconds; 0...65535
<sleep_interval_long> Sleep interval (energy saving mode) in seconds; 0...65535
<lw_status_interval> LoRaWAN node status message uplink interval in no. of uplink frames; 0...255; 0: disabled
<ubatt_mv> Battery voltage in mV
<long_sleep> 0: regular sleep interval / 1: long sleep interval (depending on U_batt)
<epoch> Unix epoch time, see ( <integer> / "0x....")


Confirmed downlinks should not be used! (see here for an explanation.)

Default Parameter Values

Using Raw Data

Command Port Downlink Uplink
CMD_GET_DATETIME 0x20 (32) 0x00 epoch[31:24]
CMD_SET_DATETIME 0x21 (33) epoch[31:24]
CMD_SET_SLEEP_INTERVAL 0x31 (49) sleep_interval[15:8]
CMD_SET_SLEEP_INTERVAL_LONG 0x33 (51) sleep_interval_long[15:8]
CMD_SET_LW_STATUS_INTERVAL 0x35 (53) lw_status_interval[7:0] n.a.
CMD_GET_LW_CONFIG 0x36 (54) 0x00 sleep_interval[15:8]
CMD_GET_LW_STATUS 0x38 (56) 0x00 ubatt_mv[15:8]

Using the Javascript Uplink/Downlink Formatters


The command ("cmd": ...) may be omitted if it can be derived from the given parameters.

Command Downlink Uplink
CMD_GET_DATETIME {"cmd": "CMD_GET_DATETIME"} {"epoch": <epoch>}
CMD_SET_DATETIME {"epoch": <epoch>} n.a.
CMD_SET_SLEEP_INTERVAL {"sleep_interval": <sleep_interval>} n.a.
CMD_SET_SLEEP_INTERVAL_LONG {"sleep_interval_long": <sleep_interval_long>} n.a.
CMD_SET_LW_STATUS_INTERVAL {"lw_status_interval": <lw_status_interval>} n.a.
CMD_GET_LW_CONFIG {"cmd": "CMD_GET_LW_CONFIG"} {"sleep_interval": <sleep_interval>, "sleep_interval_long": <sleep_interval_long>, "lw_status_interval": <lw_status_interval>}
CMD_GET_LW_STATUS {"cmd": "CMD_GET_LW_STATUS"} {"ubatt_mv": <ubatt_mv>, "long_sleep": <long_sleep>}

Loading LoRaWAN Network Service Credentials from File


To simplify deployment of a larger number of devices, LoRaWAN credentials can be read from a JSON file. This allows to use the same source code and binary file for a fleet of devices.

If a valid file secrets.json exists on LittleFS, the settings defined at compile time (in secrets.h) are overridden.

Modify the example data/secrets.json as required and install it to the board's Flash memory using earlephilhower/arduino-littlefs-upload.


Only very basic validation of the file secrets.json is implemented — check the debug output.

Datacake Integration

For integration with Datacake, there is the script datacake_decoder.js. With Datacake, you can get data reports as CSV files at regular intervals. The Python script allows to concatenate, sort and filter those files and to create a report with data plots as PDF file (example).