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My solutions for the programming contest website Kattis : : If you have any questions about the reasoning behind a problem email me at [email protected]


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Using The Table:

On the left is the direct link to the original kattis problem, on the right is a direct link to my solution in the language that is listed.

If there are multiple entries in different languages, all of them will be shown on seperate rows.


Solution code is stored in the /code directory, along with a few shell scripts.

Feel free to read the scripts to see what they do specifically, but something to note is that they assume you are using the executable name.


This folder has the scripts the I use to generate the README file. You can try running it with:

$ ./

My solutions for the programming contest website Kattis :

Some solutions may be my team's solution submitted under my account, I try to credit them with a comment in the header whenever possible.

Problem Language
10kindsofpeople C++
3dprinter C++
8queens C++
aaah C++
abc C++
aboveaverage C++
acm Python
acm2 C++
ada C++
addingwords C++
akcija C++
aliennumbers C++
allaboutthatbase C++
almostperfect C++
alphabet C++
alphabetspam C++
amoebas C++
anagramcounting Python
anewalphabet C++
anotherbrick C++
anothercandies Python
anthonyanddiablo C++
ants C++
apaxiaaans Python
apaxianparent C++
apples C++
aprizenoonecanwin C++
areal C++
areyoulistening C++
armystrengtheasy C++
armystrengthhard C++
artichoke C++
autori C++
avion C++
awkwardparty C++
babelfish Python
babybites C++
babylonian C++
backspace C++
baconeggsandspam C++
bank C++
basketballoneonone C++
batterup C++
battlesimulation C++
beavergnaw C++
beehives C++
bela Python
bestrational C++
bestrelayteam C++
betting Python
bigtruck C++
bijele C++
birthday C++
bitbybit C++
bits C++
blackfriday Python
boatparts Python
bookclub C++
bookingaroom C++
bossbattle C++
bottledup C++
boundingrobots C++
breakingbad C++
breakingbranches Python
brokenswords C++
bubbletea C++
bus C++
busnumbers C++
busyschedule Python
buttonbashing C++
cantinaofbabel C++
carefulascent C++
cargame C++
carrots C++
caveexploration2 C++
cd C++
ceiling C++
cetiri C++
cetvrta C++
chanukah C++
chanukah Python
character Python
checkingforcorrectness C++
chesstournament C++
chopin Python
circuitmath C++
classy C++
climbingworm C++
closestsums C++
closingtheloop C++
codecleanups C++
cokolada C++
cold C++
communication C++
communicationsSatellite C++
compass C++
competitivearcadebasketball C++
completingthesquare C++
compoundwords C++
conformity C++
conquestcampaign C++
conteststruggles C++
continuousmedian C++
conundrum Python
convexpolygonarea C++
cookingWater C++
countingclauses C++
countingstars C++
crosscountry C++
cudoviste C++
cups C++
cursethedarkness C++
dartscores C++
dasblinkenlights C++
dasort C++
datum Python
deathknight C++
deathstar C++
delimitersoup C++
delivery C++
detaileddifferences C++
dicecup Python
dicegame C++
different C++
differentdistances C++
digitswap Python
display C++
doorman C++
downtime C++
dragonball1 C++
drinkingsong C++
drmmessages C++
drunkvigenere C++
dst C++
dunglish C++
duplicates Python
earlywinter C++
easiest C++
echoechoecho Python
egypt C++
election C++
electricaloutlets C++
eligibility Python
encodedmessage C++
engineeringenglish C++
epigdanceoff C++
equilibrium C++
erase Python
estimatingtheareaofacircle C++
eulersnumber C++
eventplanning C++
everywhere Python
exactlyelectrical C++
exam C++
faktor C++
fallingapart C++
falsesecurity Python
fastfood C++
fbiuniversal C++
fenwick C++
fiftyshades C++
filip Python
finalexam2 C++
findingana Python
fishmongers C++
fizzbuzz C++
flexible C++
flippingpatties C++
flyingsafely C++
forcedchoice Python
freckles C++
freefood C++
friday C++
froshweek2 C++
fyi Python
gears2 C++
gerrymandering C++
goatrope C++
grasshopper C++
grassseed C++
greedilyincreasing C++
greedypolygons C++
greetings2 C++
grid C++
grille C++
growlinggears C++
guessinggame C++
guessthedatastructure C++
hailstone C++
hangingout C++
hangman C++
happyprime C++
harddrive C++
harshadnumbers Python
haypoints C++
heartrate C++
heimavinna Python
heirsdilemma Python
heliocentric C++
hello C++
helpaphd C++
helpme Python
herman C++
hidden Python
hissingmicrophone C++
hothike C++
htoo C++
htoo Python
humancannonball2 C++
hydrasheads C++
iboard C++
icpcawards C++
icpcteamselection C++
illiteracy C++
imagedecoding C++
incognito C++
inflation C++
inspectingillumination C++
integerdivision C++
irepeatmyself C++
isithalloween C++
islandhopping C++
islands C++
islands3 C++
iwannabe C++
jackolanternjuxtaposition C++
janitortroubles Python
jobexpenses C++
joylessgame C++
judging C++
judgingmoose C++
jumbojavelin Python
juryjeopardy C++
justaminute C++
kafkaesque C++
karte Python
kemija Python
keytocrypto Python
keywords C++
kitten C++
kleptography C++
knockout C++
kornislav C++
krizaljka C++
ladder C++
lastfactorialdigit C++
leftbeehind C++
licensetolaunch C++
lindenmayorsystem C++
lineup Python
listgame C++
litespace C++
loorolls C++
lostlineup C++
luhnchecksum Python
lyklagangriti C++
magicalcows Python
magictrick Python
maptiles2 C++
marko Python
marswindow C++
mastermind C++
matchgame C++
mazemakers C++
metaprogramming C++
mia C++
minimumscalar C++
mirror C++
missinggnomes C++
missingnumbers C++
mixedfractions C++
mjehuric C++
modulo Python
mosquito C++
musicalscales Python
nastyhacks C++
natjecanje C++
nineknights Python
notamused C++
npuzzle C++
numberfun C++
numbertree C++
oddecho Python
oddgnome C++
oddities C++
oddmanout C++
ofugsnuid C++
oktalni Python
okvir C++
okviri C++
onechicken Python
ostgotska Python
owlandfox C++
pairingsocks C++
parking C++
parking2 C++
parsinghex C++
password C++
patuljci C++
pauleigon C++
pearwise C++
peg C++
peragrams C++
periodicstrings C++
perket C++
permutationencryption C++
permutedarithmeticsequence C++
pervasiveheartmonitor Python
pet C++
phonelist C++
pickupsticks C++
pieceofcake2 C++
piglatin C++
pizza2 C++
pizzahawaii C++
plantina Python
plantingtrees C++
platforme C++
pokerhand C++
polygonarea C++
polymul1 C++
pot C++
prerequisites C++
primaryarithmetic C++
primepath C++
primesieve C++
princesspeach C++
progressivescramble C++
proofs C++
provincesandgold C++
prozor C++
prsteni C++
ptice C++
putovanje C++
pyramids Python
qaly C++
quadrant C++
quickEstimate Python
quickbrownfox C++
quiteaproblem C++
r2 C++
racingalphabet C++
raggedright C++
railroad2 C++
ratingproblems Python
rationalratio C++
rationalsequence2 C++
rationalsequence3 C++
reachableroads C++
recipes C++
recount C++
redrover C++
reducedidnumbers C++
register C++
relocation C++
repeatingdecimal C++
reversebinary Python
reverserot C++
rijeci C++
rings2 C++
rollcall Python
romans C++
roundedbuttons C++
runlengthencodingrun C++
savingdaylight Python
savingforretirement C++
saxophone C++
schoolspirit C++
secretmessage C++
securedoors Python
semafori C++
server C++
set C++
sevenWonders Python
sgcoin C++
shatteredcake C++
shopaholic C++
showroom C++
sibice C++
sidewayssorting C++
sifferprodukt C++
simon Python
simonsays Python
simpleaddition Python
simplicity C++
sjecista C++
skener C++
skocimis C++
slatkisi C++
smartphone C++
snappereasy C++
snapperhard C++
sodasurpler C++
softpasswords C++
sok C++
somesum C++
sortofsorting C++
soylent C++
spavanac C++
speeding Python
speedlimit C++
squaredeal C++
squawk C++
stararrangements C++
statistics C++
sticky C++
stockprices C++
stopwatch Python
succession C++
sumkindofproblem C++
sumoftheothers Python
sumsquareddigits Python
symmetricorder C++
synchronizinglists Python
t9spelling Python
taisformula C++
tarifa C++
texturanalysis C++
thebackslashproblem C++
thisaintyourgrandpas C++
throwns C++
timebomb Python
timeloop C++
tiredterry C++
tolower Python
torn2pieces C++
touchscreenkeyboard C++
towering C++
trainpassengers C++
transitwoes C++
traveltheskies C++
treasurehunt C++
treehouses C++
tri C++
triangle C++
trik Python
tripletexting C++
trollhunt C++
tsp C++
tutorial Python
twostones C++
ummcode C++
unionfind C++
unlockpattern C++
unlockpattern Python
upprodun C++
uxuhulvoting C++
vacuumba C++
veci C++
virtualfriends C++
volim C++
vote C++
walrusweights C++
warehouse C++
watchdog C++
watchyourstep C++
weakvertices C++
weightofwords C++
welcomeeasy C++
whatdoesthefoxsay Python
wheresmyinternet C++
whichbase C++
wizardofodds Python
wolf C++
woodcutting C++
yinyangstones C++
yoda Python
zagrade C++
zamka Python
zanzibar C++
zebrasocelots Python
znanstvenik C++
zoo Python


My solutions for the programming contest website Kattis : : If you have any questions about the reasoning behind a problem email me at [email protected]








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