A dynamic inventory plugin for Ansible which pings a given cidr network and adds hosts if there is a response to the ping.
The name comes from addr being part of the nix command ipaddr but also a misspelling of 'ip adder' since this shit adds ips as hosts. Very Clever.
It's just a normal inventory plugin. It needs to be copied to the correct place: <your_ansible_install_location>/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory
Alternatively modify your plugin path variable ($ANSIBLE_INVENTORY_PLUGINS) to have it pulled from a custom location.
Be default only the host_list, script, auto, yaml, ini, and toml inventory plugins are allowed. To whitelist this plugin, simply add 'ping_addr' in the ansible.cfg here:
enable_plugins = host_list, script, auto, yaml, ini, toml
Only a single option is required to generate the inventory, and that's the network in CIDR notation.
Create a file named ping_addr.yml and add the following contents:
plugin: ping_addr
To see the hosts that would be generated from the inventory plugin, run:
ansible-inventory -i ping_addr.yml --list
Or to see the group tree that would be generated from the inventory plugin (this doesn't do groupings right now), run:
ansible-inventory -i ping_addr.yml --graph
- Probably need to add some grouping capability and variables sets.
- Also need to tweak the ping settings to have a shorter timeout when a host does not respond.
- Need to package it up so that it can be added to an instance easier