A simple single page application with user creation and login using the power of:
Secured with JWTs this application allows a user to
- Create an account
- Login with that account
- See a welcome message on login
- Logout
Install Docker on your machine and run the following command from the root directory of this project
docker-compose up
Note that when running the first time you might see:
mvw_flyway | The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. The driver has not received any packets from the server. (Caused by Connection refused (Connection refused)) Retrying in 1 sec...
mvw_flyway | WARNING: Connection error: Communications link failure
This is because flyway is waiting for the database to come up run its migrations, it will keep retrying until the database comes up and then you should see:
mvw_flyway | Successfully applied 1 migration to schema `mvw` (execution time 00:00.095s)
mvw_flyway exited with code 0
Until you see this the API may respond with errors as the database has not yet become available.