A Withdrawal Finalizer in Rust.
Withdrawal Finalizer is a component of zksync-era
responsible for monitoring and finalizing L2->L1 withdrawals. It does so by continuously monitoring events happening on both L2 and L1, keeping some state in persistent storage (which is PostgreSQL) and sending withdrawal finalization transactions whenever necessary.
Building the project is straightforward:
cargo build
To deploy this service you will need the following prerequisites:
- Websocket RPC endpoint on Ethereum.
- Websocket RPC endpoint on zkSync Era.
- An instance of PostgreSQL database.
Prior to deployment of the service the database migrations have to be run with sqlx-cli
component of sqlx
$ cd ./storage
$ env DATABASE_URL=postgres://mycreds@myhost/mydb sqlx database create
$ env DATABASE_URL=postgres://mycreds@myhost/mydb sqlx migrate run
Configuration is done via environment variables that can also be read from .env
file if it is present.
Deployment is done by deploying a dockerized image of the service.
Variable | Description |
The address of Ethereum WebSocket RPC endpoint |
The address of Ethereum HTTP RPC endpoint |
Address of the L1 ERC20 bridge contract** |
Address of the L2 ERC20 bridge contract** |
Address of the L1 diamond proxy contract** |
Address of the Withdrawal Finalizer contract ** |
Address of the zkSync Era WebSocket RPC endpoint |
Address of the zkSync Era HTTP RPC endpoint |
The url of PostgreSQL database the service stores its state into |
The gas limit of a single withdrawal finalization within the batch of withdrawals finalized in a call to finalizeWithdrawals in WithdrawalFinalizerContract |
The gas limit of the finalization of the whole batch in a call to finalizeWithdrawals in Withdrawal Finalizer Contract |
The private key of the account that is going to be submit finalization transactions |
Number of seconds to wait for a potentially stuck finalization transaction before readjusting its fees |
Configures the sets of tokens this instance of finalizer will finalize. It may be configured as a whitelist, a blacklist, a wildcard or completely disable any finalization. For more info see below. |
(Optional) Configure, whether the Ethereum withdrawal events should be monitored. Useful to turn off for custom bridges that are only interested in a particular ERC20 token and have nothing to do with main Ethereum withdrawals |
(Optional) Normally ERC20 tokens are deployed by the bridge contract. However, in custom cases it may be necessary to override that behavior with a custom set of addresses that have deployed tokens |
(Optional) Adds a predefined list of tokens to finalize. May be useful in case of custom bridge setups when the regular technique of finding token deployments does not work. |
(Optional, default: "true" ) By default Finalizer collects metrics about withdrawn token volumens. Users may optionally switch off this metering. |
(Optional, default: "0") Finalizer will only finalize ETH withdrawals that are greater or equal to this value |
The configuration structure describing the service config can be found in config.rs
** more about zkSync contracts can be found here
It may be handy to limit a set of tokens the Finalizer is finalizing. This
configuration may be specified by setting a rule in the TOKENS_TO_FINALIZE
If this environment variable is not set then by default Finalizer will only finalize
ETH token (0x000...0800a
You may specify All
, None
, BlackList
or WhiteList
as json documents:
- Finalize everythingTOKENS_TO_FINALIZE = '"None"'
- Finalize nothingTOKENS_TO_FINALIZE = '{ "WhiteList":[ "0x3355df6D4c9C3035724Fd0e3914dE96A5a83aaf4" ] }'
- Finalize only these tokensTOKENS_TO_FINALIZE = '{ "BlackList":[ "0x3355df6D4c9C3035724Fd0e3914dE96A5a83aaf4" ] }'
- Finalize all tokens but these
The finalizer smart contract needs to reference the addresses of the diamond proxy contract and l1 erc20 proxy contract. You also need to know the key of the account you want to use to deploy the finalizer contract.
When you know those to deploy the contract you need to run (assume you are running anvil
in a separate terminal):
$ yarn
$ env CONTRACTS_DIAMOND_PROXY_ADDR="0x9A6DE0f62Aa270A8bCB1e2610078650D539B1Ef9" CONTRACTS_L1_ERC20_BRIDGE_PROXY_ADDR="0x2Ae09702F77a4940621572fBcDAe2382D44a2cbA" MNEMONIC="test test test test test test test test test test test junk" ETH_CLIENT_WEB3_URL="http://localhost:8545" npx hardhat run ./scripts/deploy.ts
If all goes well the the result would be
Compiled 18 Solidity files successfully (evm target: paris).
And so you know the address of the deployed contract.
zkSync Withdrawal Finalizer is distributed under the terms of either
- Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
at your option.
zkSync Era has been through lots of testing and audits. Although it is live, it is still in alpha state and will go through more audits and bug bounties programs. We would love to hear our community's thoughts and suggestions about it! It is important to state that forking it now can potentially lead to missing important security updates, critical features, and performance improvements.