This project is a proof of concept implementing the incrementalization framework described in the papers
M. Busi, P. Degano and L. Galletta. Mechanical Incrementalization of Typing Algorithms. Sci. Comput. Program. 208: 102657, 2021.
A preliminary version of the framework appeared in
M. Busi, P. Degano and L. Galletta. Using Standard Typing Algorithms Incrementally, NASA Formal Methods (NFM), 2019.
As an example we also provide the standard and incremental type checker for MinCaml.
The project requires:
- OCaml = 4.07.1 standard compilers and tools
- OUnit2 = 2.2.3 OCaml Unit testing library.
- Core = v0.12.4 JaneStreet's alternative to OCaml's standard library.
- Core_bench = v0.12.0 OCaml library for micro-benchmarking.
- Landmarks = 1.3 OCaml profiling library.
- Python 3, Pandas, Matplotlib and NumPy for producing the plots and analyse the data.
Typing make
will generate a main.native
executable, that you can run to try the automatically incrementalized typechecker for MinCaml:
$ make
To clean-up the folder, run:
$ make clean
To build the test suite, run:
$ make test
To build the executable running the time experiments, run:
$ make texperiments
To build the executable running the experiments on the unrolled factorial, run:
$ make dexperiments
To build the memory experiments, run:
$ make mexperiments
To build everything, run:
$ make all
To execute the incrementalized type checker simply run:
$ ./main.native <path/to/> <path/to/>
where the first argument is the path to a program to be type checked, and the second one is the path to the modified program, to be type checked incrementally.
When running the main.native
$ ./main.native src/fun/examples/ src/fun/examples/
the output is
Analyzing: Orig: src/fun/examples/ ... Mod: src/fun/examples/ ...
Type: unit - IType: unit
[Visited: 8/20] O: 3 - H: 2 - M: 0 (I) + 3 (NF) = 3
meaning that
was type checked incrementally as unit
(IType: unit
) starting from the original typing information of
To do that the incremental algorithm visited 8 nodes of the syntax tree (out of a total of 20), finding the needed typing information directly in the cache for 2 times, not finding it for 3 times (0 because of incompatible typing environment and 3 because they were not found) and resorting to the original type checker for 3 times.
To run the test suite, simply compile the executable as described above and then run the executable:
$ ./unittest.native
To run the time experiments, simply compile the executable as described above and then run the executable:
$ ./texperiments.native quota min_depth max_depth
where quota
is the running time of each experiment, and min_depth
and max_depth
specify the size of synthetic programs.
To run the experiments on the unrolled factorial, simply compile the executable as described above and then run the executable:
$ ./dexperiments.native quota min max step threshold_fractions
where quota
is the running time of each experiment, min
and max
are the values of unrolled factorial, step
expresses the number of invalidations to be performed and threshold_fractions
indicates how many different thresholds must be tried.
To run the memory experiments, simply compile the executable as described above and then run the executable:
$ OCAML_LANDMARKS=on ./mexperiments.native min_depth max_depth cache
where min_depth
and max_depth
specify the size of synthetic programs and cache
is a boolean that controls whether the script should measure the memory overhead of the cache alone or that of the whole incremental run.
To reproduce the experiments presented of the paper, it is enough to compile texperiments
and then to run:
$ ./texperiments.native 10 8 16 > tresults-10-8-16.csv; python analysis/ tresults-10-8-16.csv tplots/
It creates a new folder tplots
with all the generated plots and a csv file with the raw results.
Similarly, for the unrolled factorial experiments it suffices to compile dexperiments
and then to run:
$ ../dexperiments.native 10 8 12 4 10 > dresults-10-8-12-4-10.csv; python analysis/ dresults-10-8-12-4-10.csv dplots/
It creates a new folder dplots
with all the generated plots and a csv file with the raw results.
To reproduce the memory experiments presented of the paper, it is enough to compile mexperiments
and then to run:
$ OCAML_LANDMARKS=on ./mexperiments.native 10 16 true > mem_cache.json; OCAML_LANDMARKS=on ./mexperiments.native 10 16 false > mem_all.json; python analysis/ mem_cache.json mem_all.json
It produces the latex code for the tables are reported in the paper.
Here is a description of content of the repository
analysis/ <-- Python scripts to analyse the results of the experiments
src/ <-- The source code lives here
Makefile <-- Driver for `make` (uses OCB)
.merlin <-- Merlin configuration
_tags <-- OCamlBuild configuration
The src/
directory defines:
lib/ <-- Library with the functors implementing the framework from the paper
languageSpecification.mli <-- Interface that must be implemented to be able to incrementalize a type system <-- Functor that given a language specification returns a non-incremental type system <-- Functor that given a language specification returns an incremental type system <-- Module used for extracting statistics on cache usage <-- Utility module used for implementing sets of variables (e.g. sets of free variables of a term)
fun/ <-- MinCaml folder
examples <-- Simple MinCaml examples
langspec <-- An example implementation of the MinCaml type checker in our framework
tests <-- Unit tests and time/memory experiments <-- Example usage of the generated type systems
tests/ <-- Folder with the implementations of benchmarks
- None, yet