This is my attempt at creating a scene editing tool that allows for actor and bone manipulation.
If you would like to reach out about this project, please feel free to join the Discord or message me at chirp#1337.
To see a list of target features as well as their current progress on implementation, see our Trello board.
Ktisis can currently be considered in an early 'Alpha' state with research and development still ongoing.
Features will be rolled out slowly, and bugs or crashes may be present.
It is not intended to be a replacement for CMTool or Anamnesis.
My focus is not on recreating the functionality of either, so it will likely best be used in conjunction.
- Thanks to the developers from Goat Corp and XIV Tools, whose existing work in this area provided excellent insight into internal memory and data structures.
- @Fayti1703 and @hackmud-dtr for their helpful insights into reverse engineering and low-level code, and overall helpfulness in answering questions.
- @BobTheBob9 for their helpful insights into reverse engineering and IDA.
- The other developers from Bnuuy Central who were excellent practical and moral support.