There’s a statesmanship – a vision, a morality and a core – to her that was thrown into sharp relief by Donald Trump’s shambling visit to Europe
- German federal election, 2017: In a speech in Munich, Angela Merkel says that Europe must not rely on its former allies. 2017-08-27 03:48:24 (First version)
- In a speech in Munich, Angela Merkel says that Europe must not rely on its former allies. (Current version)
- Voters in Germany go to the polls to elect members of the Bundestag. Chancellor Angela Merkel of the Christian Democratic Union is widely expected to win a fourth term in office. Context: Angela Merkel, German federal election, 2017
- In a joint statement, leaders of the European Union say that recent claims about the United States spying on European leaders, such as Germany's Angela Merkel and citizens, "could prejudice co-operation in intelligence gathering". Context: Angela Merkel, Europe
- Tony Blair's former chief-of-staff, Jonathan Powell, has been touring European capital cities, including Brussels, Paris and Prague, in an undercover move to make him the first President of the European Council. Blair is supported by French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Context: Angela Merkel, Europe
- The new Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, goes to Paris, France for her first foreign trip in office. Some observers see this as a signal that intra-European affairs will be a high priority. Context: Angela Merkel, Europe
- Former members of the Alternative fur Deutschland party Frauke Petry and Marcus Pretzell may create a new party. Context: German federal election, 2017