A U.S. special forces service member is killed while taking part in an operation against ISIL militants in Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar Province.
The soldier was taking part in an operation against Islamic State, which is thought to have up to 1,500 fighters in the country.
- The Afghan Ministry of Defense reports as many as 36 suspected ISIL militants were killed while no civilians were harmed in yesterday's bombing in Nangarhar Province using the so-called "mother of all bombs" (GBU-43). The ministry spokesman added these deaths have not been independently verified. Context: ISIL, Nangarhar Province, War in Afghanistan
- The United States Air Force drops the GBU-43-B Massive Ordnance Air Blast in Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan, reportedly on an ISIL complex of tunnels and caves. This is the first use of the weapon on the battlefield. Context: Afghanistan, ISIL, Nangarhar Province
- A U.S. drone strike kills at least 6 ISIL militants in Afghanistan's Nangarhar Province, according to the Afghan defense ministry. Context: Afghanistan, ISIL, Nangarhar Province
- A suicide bombing occurs at a checkpoint near the Kabul International Cricket Stadium in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing at least three people and injuring five. Context: Afghanistan, War in Afghanistan
- A terrorist attack, involving a blast and gunfire, occurs at a Shia mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing several people. Context: Afghanistan, War in Afghanistan
- War in Afghanistan: A U.S. special forces service member is killed while taking part in an operation against ISIL militants in Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar Province. 2017-08-27 03:48:08 (First version)
- A U.S. special forces service member is killed while taking part in an operation against ISIL militants in Afghanistan's eastern Nangarhar Province. (Current version)