This script helps you clone multiple repositories from Bitbucket based on criterias. Available filters:
- bitbucket repository name using API filter or regular expression
- bitbucket project name using API filter
The script uses the Bitbucket cloud API for repositories
Prefer -p & -nc over -re since the last one is a local filter (download the repository list first, then applies filter).
python 3.x
pip install -r requirements.txt
python clone_repositories username_or_team_name
usage: [-h] [-p PROJECT] [-nc NAME_CONTAINS] [-re REGULAR_EXPRESSION] [-u USERNAME] [-o OUTPUT_FOLDER] [-cm {ssh,https}] team
Clone multiple bitbucket repositories. This script only support git repositories.
positional arguments:
team bitbucket team or username
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PROJECT, --project PROJECT
filter repositories based on bibucket project name. API filter
-nc NAME_CONTAINS, --name-contains NAME_CONTAINS
filter repositories based on case-insensitive repository name contains text. API filter
filter repositories based on bitbucket repository name using a regular expression. This filter is applied after getting the list of repositories.
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
bitbucket account username used to clone repositories list, will use team if not provided.
output folder, where to clone repositories.
-cm {ssh,https}, --clone-method {ssh,https}
cloning method, ssh or https. Both methods assumes that your bitbucket credentials are defined system wide.