- Kitchenator is powered by KitchenNet
All software tested on MacOS Sierra Version 10.12.6
The state is recorded and available on a server launched by kitchennet.py
The clients hook into this server and either update or check on the state by calling different HTTP methods
KitchenNet proceeds through a number of different states during an ingredient cycle. The states are set by a State Manager Client.
Information is passed between clients by updates to the states held by KitchenNet. All data is passed as JSON
Updates the gesture state in KitchenNet Gesture JSON:
{"gesture": 1}
Checks KitchenNet to see if it should be 'going' (and if so, where to), 'standby', or 'paused'
The arm client's GET request returns JSON of the form:
{"armGoalPose": [x, y, pitch, yaw], "armGoalState": 'standby/paused/going'}
Checks KitchenNet for a desired target, if so updates the target arm pose
This MATLAB client listens on a button press and performs a cross-correlation against the known ingredients. It assigns the closest match to the user's speech as the goal ingredient. https://github.com/mozilla/DeepSpeech#using-the-python-package
Access at Access debug screen at Future will include
- Python2
- bottle
- httplib (Python3 requires a switch to http.client)
- json
In one terminal, run:
python KitchenNet/kitchennet.py NOTE: If there are errors relating to the 'Enum' class, go to KitchenNet/callHandlers/states.py and change 'WORKING' from True to False (or vice versa)
In separate terminals, run:
python theClients/manager.py python vision/k_webcam_shapes.py Note: You need the orange/black - green/black - purple/black color tags displayed for this client to begin transmitting data to the server
In separate MATLAB instances, run:
Locate the MATLAB window spawned by voice client, click on it, speak the ingredient ("nutmeg" or "flour"), and then sit back and watch the magic happen.
{ {"purple": {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0, 'yaw': 0} }, {"orange": {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0, 'yaw': 0} }, {"blue": {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0, 'yaw': 0} } }
{ {"armGoalState": "go"/"stop"/"dump"/"undump" }, {"gripperState": "open"/"close"/"same"}, {"armGoalColor": "purple"/"orange"/"blue"} }