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mathildemerle edited this page Nov 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Minimum supported OS

  • Ubuntu 16 / 18
  • Fedora (v?)
  • Mac (v?)
  • Windows 10


On Linux

CMake should be >= CMake 3.3. You can check with cmake --version.

On Deb based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint...)

sudo apt install git g++ cmake cmake-curses-gui cmake qt5-default libboost-all-dev
sudo apt install qtcreator

On RPM based distributions (Fedora, Red-Hat, OpenSUSE...)

/!\ To update

yum install gcc gcc-g++ gcc-c++ git subversion cmake qt-devel libXt-devel boost-devel qtwebkit-devel

On Mac

In a terminal:

  • xcode-select --install
  • As on /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"


brew update
brew install cmake
brew install qt5
brew install boost --with-python

On Windows

See en_win_Development-environement-setup


On Linux & Mac

git clone
cd medInria-public && mkdir build
cd build
ccmake .. 
#CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_externals_pro = RelWithDebInfo
#CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE_medInria = RelWithDebInfo
#medInria_BUILD_TYPE = RelWithDebInfo
#If you want the external projects source and build in a directory in medInria-public, not at the root:
make -j8 [package]

In QtCreator:

  • Open the CMakeLists, and choose the compilation directory
  • Projects -> medInria -> Exec environment -> add env variables found in build/superbuild/ MEDINRIA_PLUGINS_DIR and MEDINRIA_PLUGINS_DIR_LEGACY
  • Cmake and compilation

On Windows

/!\ To update

cmake .. -G "Visual Studio 16 2019" -A Win32 #or "Visual Studio 14 2015", "Visual Studio 15 2017" without the "-A Win32" parameter
msbuild ALL_BUILD.vcxproj /nologo /verbosity:minimal /maxcpucount /p:Configuration=Release

Or graphically: use CMake software, choose your source and build paths, configure, choose your Visual Studio version, fill parameters if needed, generate. Then open ALL_BUILD.vcxproj through CMake or your file manager, choose ALL_BUILD, and generate.


On Linux

make package

And wait a bit... a new binary file is created for your OS.

The generated file is a .zip, extract the file where you want. In a terminal, run cd bin and ./, or directly double-click on

On Mac

make package

And wait a bit... a new binary file is created for your OS.

The generated file is a .DMG, double-click on the binary and do the installation. You can find the software in your list of application.

On Windows

You first need to compile everything in Release mode. Open medInria-public in Visual Studio, right-click on the project called PACKAGE, "Project only", "Generate ...". This can also be done in a Visual Studio Command Prompt with:

cmake --build . --config Release --target package

The generated file is a .exe, double-click on the binary and do the installation. You can find the software in your list of application.


On Linux and Mac

./superbuild/ [--debug]
  • Or with QtCreator.
  • Or, on Linux you can run the script in the package, in the bin directory.
  • Or, on Mac, you can install the DMG package and run the application.

On Windows

Through Visual Studio 2017, or installing the application.

Add external projects

/!\ Add a way to add external plugins into medInria?