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qvermande committed Jul 21, 2023
2 parents 77a6cf7 + d46aedd commit 49fd41e
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Showing 5 changed files with 169 additions and 234 deletions.
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions .nix/coq-overlays/mathcomp-abel/default.nix
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
{ coq, mkCoqDerivation, mathcomp, mathcomp-real-closed, lib, version ? null }:

mkCoqDerivation {

namePrefix = [ "coq" "mathcomp" ];
pname = "abel";
owner = "math-comp";

inherit version;
defaultVersion = with lib; with versions; switch [ coq.version mathcomp.version ] [
{ cases = [ (range "8.10" "8.15") (isGe "1.12.0") ]; out = "1.2.0"; }
{ cases = [ (range "8.10" "8.14") (range "1.11.0" "1.12.0") ]; out = "1.1.2"; }
] null;

release."1.2.0".sha256 = "1picd4m85ipj22j3b84cv8ab3330radzrhd6kp0gpxq14dhv02c2";
release."1.1.2".sha256 = "0565w713z1cwxvvdlqws2z5lgdys8lddf0vpwfdj7bpd7pq9hwxg";
release."1.0.0".sha256 = "190jd8hb8anqsvr9ysr514pm5sh8qhw4030ddykvwxx9d9q6rbp3";

propagatedBuildInputs = [ mathcomp.character mathcomp-real-closed ];

meta = with lib; {
description = "Abel - Galois and Abel - Ruffini Theorems";
license = licenses.cecill-b;
maintainers = [ maintainers.cohencyril ];
131 changes: 44 additions & 87 deletions theories/xmathcomp/artin_scheier.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,112 +22,69 @@ Proof. by move: pchar => /andP[]. Qed.
Let p0 : p%:R == 0 :> L.
Proof. by move: pchar => /andP[_]. Qed.

Let p_gt0 : (0 < p)%N.
Proof. by apply: prime_gt0. Qed.

Let p1 : (1 < p)%N.
Proof. by apply: prime_gt1. Qed.

Lemma ArtinScheier_factorize :
'X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P = \prod_(i < p) ('X - (x + i%:R)%:P).
Let rs := [tuple x + i%:R | i < p].

Let AS := 'X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P.

Let x_rs : x \in rs.
case: p pchar pprim p0 p1 => // n nchar nprim n0 n1.
apply/eqP; rewrite -eqp_monic; first last.
- by apply: monic_prod_XsubC.
- apply/monicP; rewrite -addrA -opprD lead_coefDl ?lead_coefXn//.
by rewrite size_opp size_XaddC size_polyXn ltnS.
- rewrite eqp_sym -dvdp_size_eqp.
rewrite size_prod; last first.
move=> [i]/= _ _; apply/negP => /eqP
/(congr1 (fun p : {poly L} => size p)).
by rewrite size_XsubC size_polyC eqxx.
have ->: \big[addn/0%N]_(i < n.+1) size ('X - (x + (val i)%:R)%:P)%R =
\big[addn/0%N]_(i < n.+1) 2%N.
by apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite size_XsubC.
rewrite big_const_ord iter_addn_0.
rewrite -add1n mul2n -addnn addnA card_ord -addnBA// subnn addn0 add1n.
rewrite -addrA -opprD size_addl size_polyXn// size_opp size_XaddC ltnS.
by move: pchar => /andP [ /prime_gt1 ].
have: all (root ('X^n.+1 - 'X - (x ^+ n.+1 - x)%:P))
[seq (x + (val i)%:R) | i : 'I_n.+1].
apply/allP => + /mapP [i _ ->] => _.
rewrite /root !hornerE ?hornerXn -(Frobenius_autE nchar (x + (val i)%:R)).
(* FIXME: remove ?hornerXn when requiring MC >= 1.16.0 *)
rewrite rmorphD/= rmorph_nat (Frobenius_autE nchar x).
rewrite opprB opprD addrACA -addrA 2![x+_]addrA subrr add0r.
by rewrite addrAC addrCA subrr addr0 addrC subrr.
move=> /uniq_roots_dvdp; rewrite big_map big_enum/=; apply.
rewrite uniq_rootsE; apply/(uniqP 0) => i j.
rewrite 2!inE size_map => ilt jlt.
do 2 rewrite (nth_map ord0 _ (fun i : 'I_n.+1 => x + i%:R))//.
move=> /addrI/esym/eqP.
set ip := nth ord0 (enum 'I_n.+1) i.
set jp := nth ord0 (enum 'I_n.+1) j.
move=> ijE.
suff: jp = ip.
rewrite /ip /jp => /esym ijE0.
by move: (enum_uniq ('I_n.+1)) => /uniqP
/(_ i j ilt jlt ijE0).
move: ijE.
wlog ij : {i} {j} {ilt} {jlt} ip jp / (val ip <= val jp)%N.
move=> h.
move: (Order.TotalTheory.le_total (val ip) (val jp)) => /orP; case => ij.
by apply: h.
by rewrite eq_sym => ijE; apply/esym/h.
rewrite -subr_eq0 -natrB// -(dvdn_charf nchar).
case /posnP: (val jp - val ip)%N.
move=> /eqP; rewrite subn_eq0 => ji _; apply/val_inj/eqP.
by rewrite Order.POrderTheory.eq_le; apply/andP; split.
move=> ij0 /(dvdn_leq ij0); rewrite ltn_subRL -addnS.
move=> /(leq_trans (leq_addl _ _)).
have: (val jp < n.+1)%N by case: jp ij ij0.
by rewrite ltnS => jle; move => /(leq_ltn_trans jle); rewrite ltnn.
apply/tnthP; exists (Ordinal p_gt0).
by rewrite tnth_map/= tnth_ord_tuple/= addr0.

Lemma ArtinSchreier_splitting :
splittingFieldFor E ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P) <<E; x>>%AS.
Lemma ArtinSchreier_factorize : AS = \prod_(i < p) ('X - (x + i%:R)%:P).
have sNXXp : (size ('X : {poly L}) < size ('X^p : {poly L}))%N.
by rewrite size_polyXn size_polyX.
have sCXp (c : L) : (size c%:P < size ('X^p : {poly L}))%N.
by rewrite size_polyXn ltnS (leq_trans (size_polyC_leq1 _)) ?prime_gt0.
have lcLHS : lead_coef ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P) = 1.
by rewrite !lead_coefDl ?lead_coefXn ?scale1r// ?size_addl ?size_opp.
rewrite [LHS](@all_roots_prod_XsubC _ _ rs).
- by rewrite lcLHS scale1r big_map big_enum.
- by rewrite size_tuple ?size_addl ?size_opp// size_polyXn.
- apply/allP => y /mapP[/= i _ ->]; rewrite rootE !hornerE hornerXn.
rewrite -!Frobenius_autE rmorphD rmorph_nat.
by rewrite opprD addrACA subrr addr0 subrr.
- by rewrite uniq_rootsE/= map_inj_uniq ?enum_uniq// => i j /addrI/ZprI; apply.

Let ASE : AS = \prod_(i <- rs) ('X - i%:P).
Proof. by rewrite ArtinSchreier_factorize big_image/=. Qed.

Lemma ArtinSchreier_splitting : splittingFieldFor E AS <<E; x>>%AS.
exists ([seq x + (val i)%:R | i :'I_p]).
by rewrite ArtinScheier_factorize big_map big_enum/= eqpxx.
apply/eqP; rewrite eqEsubv; apply/andP; split.
apply/Fadjoin_seqP; split; first by apply: subv_adjoin.
move=> + /mapP [i _ ->] => _.
apply: (@rpredD _ _ (memv_addrPred <<E; x>>%AS));
first by apply: memv_adjoin.
by apply: rpred_nat.
apply/FadjoinP; split; first by apply: subv_adjoin_seq.
case: p pchar pprim p0 p1 => // n nchar nprim n0 n1.
apply/seqv_sub_adjoin/mapP; exists ord0; first by apply: mem_enum.
by rewrite addr0.
exists rs; first by rewrite ASE eqpxx.
have /eq_adjoin-> : rs =i x :: rem x rs by apply/perm_mem/perm_to_rem.
rewrite adjoin_cons (Fadjoin_seq_idP _)//=.
apply/allP => y /mem_rem /mapP[i _ ->]/=.
by rewrite rpredD ?memv_adjoin// subvP_adjoin// rpredMn// rpred1.

Lemma ArtinSchreier_polyOver :
'X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P \is a polyOver E.
Lemma ArtinSchreier_polyOver : AS \is a polyOver E.
Proof. by rewrite rpredB ?polyOverC// rpredB ?rpredX// polyOverX. Qed.

Lemma ArtinSchreier_galois :
galois E <<E; x>>.
Lemma ArtinSchreier_galois : galois E <<E; x>>.
apply/splitting_galoisField; exists ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P); split.
- exact ArtinSchreier_polyOver.
- rewrite /separable_poly derivB derivC subr0 derivB derivXn derivX -scaler_nat.
move: pchar; rewrite inE => /andP[_ /eqP ->].
rewrite scale0r add0r.
apply/Bezout_eq1_coprimepP; exists (0, (-1)) => /=.
by rewrite mul0r add0r mulN1r opprK.
rewrite charf0// scale0r add0r -(@coprimepZr _ (-1)) ?oppr_eq0 ?oner_eq0//.
by rewrite scaleNr scale1r opprK coprimep1.
- by apply: ArtinSchreier_splitting.

Lemma minPoly_ArtinSchreier : (x \notin E) ->
minPoly E x = 'X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P.
Lemma minPoly_ArtinSchreier : x \notin E -> minPoly E x = AS.
move=> xE.
have pE: ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P) =
\prod_(i <- [seq x + (val i)%:R | i : 'I_p]) ('X - i%:P).
by rewrite ArtinScheier_factorize big_map; apply: congr_big; rewrite // enumT.
have /(minPoly_dvdp ArtinSchreier_polyOver):
root ('X^p - 'X - (x ^+ p - x)%:P) x.
rewrite pE root_prod_XsubC.
case: p pchar pprim p0 p1 => // n nchar nprim n0 n1.
by apply/mapP; exists ord0; rewrite ?mem_enum ?addr0.
rewrite pE => /dvdp_prod_XsubC[m]; rewrite eqp_monic ?monic_minPoly//;
move=> xE; have /(minPoly_dvdp ArtinSchreier_polyOver) : root AS x.
by rewrite ASE root_prod_XsubC.
rewrite ASE => /dvdp_prod_XsubC[m]; rewrite eqp_monic ?monic_minPoly//;
last by rewrite monic_prod// => i _; rewrite monic_XsubC.
rewrite -map_mask.
have [{}m sm ->] := resize_mask m (enum 'I_p).
Expand Down
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions theories/xmathcomp/map_gal.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,9 +37,6 @@ Hint Resolve normalField_refl : core.
Lemma galois_refl E : galois E E.
Proof. by rewrite /galois subvv separable_refl normalField_refl. Qed.

Lemma gal1 K (g : gal_of K) : g \in 'Gal(K / 1%VS)%g.
Proof. by rewrite gal_kHom ?sub1v// k1HomE ahomWin. Qed.

Lemma Fadjoin_sub E x y : x \in <<E; y>>%VS -> (<<E; x>> <= <<E; y>>)%VS.
Proof. by move=> xEy; apply/FadjoinP; rewrite subv_adjoin. Qed.

Expand Down
31 changes: 17 additions & 14 deletions theories/xmathcomp/temp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,20 +4,17 @@ Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Import GRing.Theory.

Local Open Scope ring_scope.

Section Temp.

(* NB : rpredM and mulrPred uses that 1 is in the subset, which is useless.
Predicates should be defined for {aspace aT}. *)

(* This is actually quite useless, I am not convinced anymore that we should keep it. *)
Lemma big_condT [R : Type] [idx : R] (op : Monoid.com_law idx)
[I : finType] (A : {pred I}) (F : I -> R) :
\big[op/idx]_(i in A | true) F i = \big[op/idx]_(i in A) F i.
Proof. by rewrite big_mkcondr. Qed.

(** Alternative: *)
(* Definition Zp_succ n : 'I_n -> 'I_n := if n is n.+1 then +%R ord_max else id. *)
(* The computational content would not be visible without the case distinction on n. Besides, this is not used anywhere anymore, so we can get rid of it. *)

Definition Zp_succ n (i : 'I_n) :=
match i with
Expand All @@ -28,8 +25,14 @@ Definition Zp_succ n (i : 'I_n) :=
end klt)

(* J'ai l'impression que je veux garder la quantification sur $r$ dans la première hypothèse. Je laisse ma version dans various.v le temps qu'on en discute. *)
Lemma logn_prod [I : Type] (r : seq I) (P : pred I) (F : I -> nat) (p : nat) :
(forall n, P n -> (0 < F n)%N) ->
(logn p (\prod_(n <- r | P n) F n) = \sum_(n <- r | P n) logn p (F n))%N.
move=> F_gt0; elim/(big_load (fun n => (n > 0)%N)): _.
elim/big_rec2: _; first by rewrite logn1.
by move=> i m n Pi [n_gt0 <-]; rewrite muln_gt0 lognM ?F_gt0.

End Temp.

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