query from containers of objects, in Python
The Query pattern uses criteria on classes and fields to retrieve value objects from a dataset. Those criteria are a field, an operator, and a value. For example, ('last_name', =, 'Fowler') or ('price', <, 100.00).
pip install simple-query
returns the matching objects for a query, and filter(*criteria)
returns a new, filtered query, where criteria = field, operator, value
For example:
from simple_query.query import Query
from operator import eq, gt, lt
people = [
Person('Ada Lovelace'),
Person('Grace Hopper'),
Person('Jean Bartik')]
# [Person('Ada Lovelace'), Person('Grace Hopper'), Person('Jean Bartik')]
Query(people).filter('last_name', eq, 'Lovelace').all()
# [Person('Ada Lovelace')]
Query(people) \
.filter('first_name', gt, 'B') \
.filter('last_name', lt, 'C').all()
# [Person('Jean Bartik')]
It is always recommended to use a virtual environment for each Python appplication. Create the environment once, after cloning this repository to your machine.
python3 -m venv .env
For each terminal session going forward, work on the virtual environment and use its copy of python.
source .env/bin/activate
Upgrade pip
pip install -U pip
Install developer requirements for a nicer test runner (see Running Tests)
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt
Tests are written in unittest syntax, so no additional package are needed to run them
python -m unittest discover
For a more informative output, as well as plugins for color and watch mode, use nose test runner. You can also use the test runner of your choice.
nosetests --rednose --with-watch