Web-based system monitoring.
location /system/ {
auth_request /auth;
alias /var/www/dashboard_html/system/;
location /systemapi {
auth_request /auth;
Copy and adjust :
Add the API function :
async def handler_ss(request):
raw = os.popen("ss -ptnaH").readlines()
ret = []
for line in raw :
tab = line.strip().split()
"state" : tab[0],
"local_addr" : tab[3].split(':')[0],
"local_port" : tab[3].split(':')[1],
"remote_addr" : tab[4].split(':')[0],
"remote_port" : tab[4].split(':')[1],
"proc" : " ".join(tab[5:])[:120]
return web.json_response(text=json.dumps(ret))
Add and adjust the corresponding html part :
<h1 id="ss">Network connections</h1>
<table x-data=" { conns : [] } " x-init="fetch('/systemapi/ss')
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => conns = data)" class="uk-table uk-table-striped">
<th>Connections State</th>
<th>Local addr</th>
<th>Local port</th>
<th>Remote addr</th>
<th>Remote port</th>
<template x-for="p in conns">
<td x-text="p.state"></td>
<td x-text="p.local_addr"></td>
<td x-text="p.local_port"></td>
<td x-text="p.remote_addr"></td>
<td x-text="p.remote_port"></td>
<td x-text="p.proc"></td>