Repository for the ng-nonlin project README PROJECT MAXWELL GONIN ALEXIS
Welcome to my M1 project master
1: Install docker : see
2: Install the toolbox with docker: docker pull
1: Copy maxwell.json , maxwell_particle.cfg, and your_mesh.geo files in your $HOME/feel/
2: Make sure that your_mesh.geo is designed as follow: Physical Surface("Sreen")
for background and Physical Surface("Particle")
for any object.
3: Open a terminal and launch the docker image: docker run --rm -it -v $HOME/feel:/feel
and go into feel/ folder
4(bis):Execute scrip to run simulation or adapt it to your working station.
4: run the simulation with one core:feelpp_toolbox_coefficientformpdes --config-file=maxwell_particle.cfg
5: Use MPI parallelization : add the hostfile file in $HOME/feel, choose the number of core "X" in it and run the simulation with: mpirun -np "X" feelpp_toolbox_coefficientformpdes --config-file=maxwell1.cfg --hostfile hostfile
6: copy results from docker to your $HOME/feel/ folder : cp -R ~/feelppdb/maxwell_particle /feel
7: to visualize the simulation in paraview, open $/feel/maxwell_particle/np_"X"/cfpdes.exports/