This repository contains preferential attachment-based generators for graphs that do not fit into main memory. The underlying idea is introduced in "Generating Massive Scale-Free Networks under Resource Constraints", U.Meyer and M.Penschuck, ALENEX16. This implementation, however, uses vertex-based tokens rather edge based, which better fits the POD-constraints imposed by the STXXL.
The generators depend on STXXL and Google Test. The libraries are added as git submodules and hence need to be initialized before the first build.
git submodule init
git submodule update
Please note that the ./ script includes this steps. Also, it is crucial that you checkout this repository rathern than downloading it as a Zip-Snapshot.
Each generator produces an edge vector which fully represents the graph: An output file contains a sequence of std::pair<NodeT, NodeT> where NodeT the unsigned integer used to represent a node id: By default it is a 64-bit unsigned integer, however smaller data types (32, 40, 48) are supported. Just edit the "-DFILE_DATA_WIDTH=" parameter in CMakeLists.txt and recompile; the 40-bit / 48-bit types correspond to the STXXL::uintX types.
An output file does not have a header but only contains the binary vector ids. Two consecutive entries for an edge (from, to). In an undirected graph only one edge with (from < to) is stored.
Usage: ./tfp_ba [options]
The Barabasi-Albert model yields undirected scale-free graphs. Given a small seed graph (in our case a ring with 2* vertices) an edge is introduce and connected to existing vertices. This procedure is repeated until vertices are added. We allow multi-edges during this process (use -m to later remove them; this will however affect the average degree in the graph).
During the sampling of the neighbors for vertex there are two modes of operation: By default, all neighbors are sampled "in parallel" with the same probability distribution. Use the -d option, to sample the neighbors "sequentially", i.e. to take the shifted probability distribution of earlier edges into account. In this mode, self-loops are possible, which can be later removed using the -s option.
Usage: ./tfp_bbcr [options]
This model again starts with a small seed ring of <seed-vertices, default 100> vertices. Then parameters alpha + beta + gamma = 1 are used to select one of the following methods to introduce a new edge:
- With prob. alpha add a new vertex and connect with an out-going edge; the neighbor is sampled according to its in-degree
- With prob. beta two existing vertices u, v are connected with edge (u, v) where u is sampled based on its out-degree and v based on its in-degree
- With prob. gamma add a new vertex and connect with an in-coming edge; the neighbor is sampled according to its out-degree
The probability to select a vertex u based on its out-degree is proportional to Pout[u] \propto deg_out(u) + where <d-out, default 0.0> is a constant. The higher the more uniform the sampling takes place (i.e. the preferential attachment is damped). The mechanism for in-degree sampling is analogous.
This suite also include a distribution counter:
# undirected graphs
./tfp_ba /local/graph.bin 1m 10
./distribution_count -o /local/distr /local/graph.bin
gnuplot -e "datafile='/local/distr'" ../gnuplots/
# directed graphs
./tfp_bbcr /local/graph.bin 10m
./distribution_count --directed -o /local/distr /local/graph.bin
gnuplot -e "datafile='/local/distr'" ../gnuplots/