What's Changed
This update mainly focuses on the DeWeb Index Smart Contract, the foundation stone for our on chain search engine.
The updated CLI can be downloaded here: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@massalabs/deweb-cli/v/0.4.0
- 190 call updatewebsite index after deploying a deweb sc by @thomas-senechal in #191
- 193 remake delete command by @thomas-senechal in #194
- remove text decoder method by @pivilartisant in #196
- export utils in lib by @pivilartisant in #201
- remove text decoder from getGlobalMetadatas by @pivilartisant in #202
- Add Purge function by @damip in #200
- 199 add purge to cli by @thomas-senechal in #206
- Add mainnet sc index address and modify getSCAddress to support mainnet by @thomas-senechal in #217
- 208 add metadata read and write by @thomas-senechal in #215
DeWeb Smart Contract
- Send excess coins back to owner by @damip in #205
- bump deweb SC version from 1 to 2 by @thomas-senechal in #219
Update dependencies
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.4.0