Simple calendar
A simple calendar with left right arrow to change month!
Supported calendar:
- Gregorian calendar
- Shamsi (Solar) calendar
simple_clean_calendar: 0.1.0
to your pubspec.yaml
and run
flutter pub get
in the project's main folder.
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
SimpleCalendarController | SimpleCalendarController | required | The controller of ScrollableCleanCalendar |
locale | String | en | The language locale |
showWeekdays | bool | true | If is to show or not the weekdays in calendar |
spaceBetweenMonthAndCalendar | double | 24 | The space between month and calendar |
spaceBetweenCalendars | double | 24 | The space between calendars |
initialFocusDate | DateTime | null | Initial date that the calendar scroll should focus when open |
scrollToMonth | Function({required DateTime date, double alignment = 0, required Duration duration, Curve curve = Curves.linear, List<double> opacityAnimationWeights = const [40, 20, 40]}) | null | Animate the list over duration using the given curve such that the item at index ends up with its leading edge at the given alignment . |
calendarCrossAxisSpacing | double | 4 | The horizontal space in the calendar dates |
calendarMainAxisSpacing | double | 4 | The vertical space in the calendar dates |
padding | EdgeInsetsGeometry | EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 16, vertical: 32) | The parent padding |
monthTextStyle | TextStyle | Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline6 | The label text style of month |
monthTextAlign | TextAlign | TextAlign.left | The label text align of month |
weekdayTextStyle | TextStyle | Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1 | The label text align of month |
dayTextStyle | TextStyle | Theme.of(context).textTheme.bodyText1 | The label text style of day |
daySelectedBackgroundColor | Color | Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary | The day selected background color |
dayBackgroundColor | Color | Theme.of(context).colorScheme.surface | The day background color |
daySelectedBackgroundColorBetween | Color | Theme.of(context).colorScheme.primary.withOpacity(.3) | The day selected background color that is between day selected edges |
dayDisableBackgroundColor | Color | Theme.of(context).colorScheme.surface.withOpacity(.4) | The day disable background color |
dayDisableColor | Color | Theme.of(context).colorScheme.onSurface.withOpacity(.5) | The day disable color |
dayRadius | double | 6 | The radius of day items |
monthBuilder | Widget Function(BuildContext context, String month) | null | A builder to make a customized month |
weekdayBuilder | Widget Function(BuildContext context, String weekday) | null | A builder to make a customized weekday |
dayBuilder | Widget Function(BuildContext context, DayValues values) | null | A builder to make a customized day of calendar |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
minDate | DateTime | required | Obrigatory: The mininimum date to show |
maxDate | DateTime | required | Obrigatory: The maximum date to show |
initialDateSelected | DateTime | null | An initial selected date |
endDateSelected | DateTime | null | The end of selected range |
weekdayStart | int | DateTime.monday | In what weekday position the calendar is going to start |
onDayTapped | Function(DateTime date) | null | Function when a day is tapped |
onRangeSelected | Function(DateTime minDate, DateTime? maxDate) | null | Function when a range is selected |
onPreviousMinDateTapped | Function(DateTime date) | null | When a date before the min date is tapped |
onAfterMaxDateTapped | Function(DateTime date) | null | When a date after max date is tapped |
readOnly | bool | false | If the Calendar Widget is on read-only mode |
onDayTapped: (date) {
debugPrint('on day tapped is: $date');
onChangeMonthTapped: (sDate, eDate) {
debugPrint('Start date is: $sDate and end date is: $eDate');
weekdayStart: DateTime.monday,
calendarController: calendarController,
calendarCrossAxisSpacing: 0,
locale: const Locale('en').languageCode, // Change `en` to `fa` to test Shamsi calendar
daySelectedBackgroundColor: Colors.blueAccent,