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To use this example repo, clone it and build the devcontainer defined in the repository

Once the devcontainer build completes, create an ansible vault (EDITOR=nano ansible-vault create vars.yml) with the following variables defined:

  • win_admin_password
  • azure_resource_group_name

With the vault created, you can use the examples commands below to play with Ansible in Azure!

Authenticate with Azure CLI

az login

Deploy and configure Windows VM

ansible-playbook create_azure_winvm.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

Test connection to Windows VM (confirms that Ansible can manage this VM)

ansible-playbook -i inventory_azure_rm.yml test_azure_winvm.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

Install Windows File Server features

ansible-playbook -i inventory_azure_rm.yml windows_fs_config.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

Deploy and configure Ubuntu VM

ansible-playbook create_azure_ubuntuvm.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

Test login to Ubuntu VM (confirms that Ansible can manage this VM)

ansible-playbook -i inventory_azure_rm.yml test_azure_ubuntuvm.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

ssh azureadmin@<publicipaddress> -i /tmp/id_ssh_rsa

Install apt packages on Ubuntu VM

ansible-playbook -i inventory_azure_rm.yml apt_package_install.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

View dynamic inventory

ansible-inventory -i inventory_azure_rm.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass --list

Generate CMDB in different formats

ansible-cmdb -f out/ > cmdb.html

ansible-cmdb -t markdown -f out/ >

ansible-cmdb -t sql -f out/ > cmdb.sql

Cleanup & destroy resources

rm cmdb.*

ansible-playbook cleanup_resources.yml -e @vars.yml --ask-vault-pass

Additional learning resources