This lib aims to merge two or more MediaStream objects into one. It's useful if you want to play with some canvas effects over a media stream, or just get two inputs from different webcams and use as one;
npm install media-stream-merger
const merger = new SimpleStreamMerger();
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: { aspectRatio: 16/9 }, audio: true })
.then(stream => {
merger.addStream(stream, {
size: {
width: _.first(stream.getVideoTracks()).getSettings().width,
height: _.first(stream.getVideoTracks()).getSettings().height,
mute: false // this the audio tracks outputed by this stream will be added on the final stream
}).catch(e => console.log('error: ', e));
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
const paintStream = canvas.captureStream();
merger.addStream(paintStream, {
size: { /* you can simply pass these values as numbers, it will be used as pixels inside canvas */
width: _.first(paintStream.getVideoTracks()).getSettings().width,
height: _.first(paintStream.getVideoTracks()).getSettings().height,
coordinates: { /* it will render the coordinates starting in x: 10px and y: 20px */
x: 10,
y: 20
mute: true
this.merger.start((stream) => {
/* the start function receives a callback for retrieving the final MediaStream object */
const mergedVideo = document.getElementById('merged');
mergedVideo.srcObject = stream;
/* you can retrieve the canvas result by accessing the `result` value,
but the callback way is more safe. */
Add a input MediaStream to the merged stack, with audio or not, based on options
stream: a MediaStream object. It can be from a navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia
or canvas.captureStream
or whatever.
options: the options object should have the following pattern:
size: {
width: 200,
height: 200,
renderCoordinates: {
x: 100,
y: 100,
mute: true
Start merging the added MediaStreams. The callback receives one param, that is the result MediaStream
this.merger.start((stream) => {
/* the start function receives a callback for retrieving the final MediaStream object */
const mergedVideo = document.getElementById('merged');
mergedVideo.srcObject = stream;
Stop all streams and media usage started by merger
The same value received on the start callback. The final merged MediaStream