Android Movie App for displaying all popular movies, search any movie, find information about it and save it locally as a favourite movie made by using TMDb (The Movie Database) API
- Display all upcoming movies trailers.
- Get a list of popular movies of the current time.
- Get a list of top-rated movies.
- Search any movie & get its information: Title, Rating, Release Date, Language, Genres, Synopsis.
- Mark a movie as favourite & save it for future preferences implemented musing MVVM Architecture.
- Support Light mode and Night mode.
- Paging
- Glide
- Retrofit
- Room (Android Architecture Components)
- Data Binding (Android Architecture Components)
- Live Data (Android Architecture Components)
- ViewModel (Android Architecture Components)
- RecyclerView
- CardView
- DI with Hilt
Note: Use your Api key as mine is hidden. After you get it, put it in file
Project Preview: Youtube.