The Translatable Module is a module for the FUEL CMS content management system that allows setting up translatable fields for existing models.
There are a couple ways to install the module. If you are using GIT you can use the following method to create a submodule:
Open up a Terminal window, "cd" to your FUEL CMS installation then type in:
php index.php fuel/installer/add_git_submodule git:// translatable
Then to install, type in:
php index.php fuel/installer/install translatable
Download the zip file from GitHub:
Create a "translatable" folder in fuel/modules/ and place the contents of the tester module folder in there.
Then to install, open up a Terminal window, "cd" to your FUEL CMS installation and type in:
php index.php fuel/installer/install translatable
To uninstall the module which will remove any permissions and database information:
php index.php fuel/installer/uninstall translatable
- You may need to put in your full path to the "php" interpreter when using the terminal.
- You must have access to an internet connection to install using GIT.
- The module is built for use with FUEL CMS, a framework built by David McReynolds, licenced under Apache 2.
- The module uses icons from several icon sets by FamFamFam:
- FamFamFam Silk Icon Set (licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 licence)
- Flag Icons Set.
The Translatable module for FUEL CMS is licenced under Apache 2.