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Code for our Paper "One Model to Reconstruct Them All: A Novel Way to Use the Stochastic Noise in StyleGAN"


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Setup for Neural Rendering

  1. install as described below for venv interpreter

  2. pip install gdown

  3. gdown --id 1QlXFPIOFzsJyjZ1AtfpnVhqW4Z0r8GLZ to load the styleGAN weights

  4. place your clean images = frames from the video into the dataset folder

  5. python utils/ dataset

  6. place your masked images into the dataset2 folder

  7. run the training using python configs/autoencoder.yaml /models/stylegan1/ffhq.model --images /data/train.json -s 1 --neural-rendering

all below is the original code

One Model to Reconstruct them All

This repository contains the code for our Paper "One Model to Reconstruct Them All: A Novel Way to Use the Stochastic Noise in StyleGAN". You can read a pre-print of this paper on Arxiv.

In this repository, you can find everything you need for redoing our experiments, we also supply code that implements parts of the ideas introduced in Image2Stylegan and Image2Stylegan++.


For setting the system up, you'll need to meet the following requirements:

  1. A system with CUDA capable GPU (should be able to work with CUDA-10.2)
  2. Preferably not Windows (the docker container might work, though)
  3. That's it =) (I hope. if I'm wrong, please open an issue)

Before starting the installation, please clone the repository and its submodule:

  1. git clone
  2. git submodule update --init

Install with Docker

Setting everything up should be quite easy, as we supply a Docker image for your convenience.

For installing, please run docker build -t one_model_to_reconstruct_them_all . in the root of the repo, after you cloned everything. Grab a coffee and wait. If you want to run the docker container, you should mount the following directories:

  • the root of this repo to /app
  • anything that is related to data (training data, models, etc.) to /data

So, if you want to run a container based on our image and just check the scripts:

docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/app one_model_to_reconstruct_them_all

Install in Virtualenv

If you do not want to use docker, you can still install everything on your system. We recommend that you use a virtualenv. The steps are as follows:

  1. Install Python >=3.8 (the code won't run on older versions of Python)
  2. Create a virtualenv (use your preferred method)
  3. Install the training tools by changing into the training_tools directory and running pip install -e .
  4. Go back to the root directory of the repo and install all requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. You should be good to go!

Training a Model

In order to train an autoencoder, you'll need some training data and a pre-trained StyleGAN model.

Getting Pre-Trained StyleGAN Models

Depending on the version of StyleGAN you want to use, you can get the models we used by following these links:

  • StyleGAN 1: You can download a StyleGAN 1 model trained on FFHQ here (we used the 256px model).
  • StyleGAN 2: You can download the official StyleGAN 2 models provided by NVidia. After downloading these models, you'll need to convert them using these scripts.

Getting Training Data

For our experiments, we mainly used Images from the LSUN Datasets, you download those by following the instructions for downloading and extracting here. You might need to adapt the provided code to work with Python 3. In any case you will need the following for training:

  • all images you want to use somewhere on your hard drive (as individual images)
  • a json file containing a list of all file paths (relative to the location of the file). You can get this file by running the following script:
python utils/ <path to root of your dataset> 
  • If your dataset does not include a train/test split, you can use the argument --split and the script will create a split for you.


After you got a StyleGAN model and training data, we can start the training. Let's assume that you have saved a StyleGAN 1 FFHQ model in /models/stylegan1/ffhq.model. You dataset is in /data/train.json and /data/val.json. For training a model, you will need to run the following command:

python configs/autoencoder.yaml /models/stylegan1/ffhq.model --images /data/train.json --val-images /data/val.json -s 1 

This command will train an autoencoder based on StyleGAN 1, projecting into w_plus. If you want to run the training on multiple GPUs you can do so with the following command:

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 2 configs/autoencoder.yaml /models/stylegan1/ffhq.model --images /data/train.json --val-images /data/val.json -s 1

This will run the training of the same model in a data-parallel fashion on two GPUs.

Further Options:

  • -s, --stylegan-variant: Version of StyleGAN to use (depends on the supplied pre-trained StyleGAN model!).
  • -l, --log-dir: Name of the log directory (useful for categorizing multiple runs into a project).
  • -ln, --log-name: Name for the training run (can be used to categorize multiple runs inside of a project).
  • --mpi-backend: Choose the backend for data parallel training. Options are gloo(default) and nccl. NCCL is faster than gloo, but it only works on setups where all GPUs can communicate via NCCL!
  • -w, --w-only: Project into W space only.
  • -d, --disable-update-for: Choose parts of the encoder that shall not be updated during training. Useful for training a model following the lr-split strategy.
  • --autoencoder: If you want to use the lr-split or two-network method, you'll have to supply a pre-trained autoencoder (pre-trained latent) here.
  • --two-stem: Tell the program that you want to train a model based on the two-network strategy (called two-stem in the code).
  • --denoising and --black-and-white-denoising: Indicate that you want to train a model for the task of denoising.


Once you trained a model, you can use it to reconstruct other images. Let's assume your trained model can be found here /trained_models/model.model. You can now reconstruct any given image (e.g. /data/image.png) with the following script:

python /trained_model/model.model /data/image.png


We provide a range of evaluation scripts for the quantitative evaluation of a trained model.

Evaluation of Autoencoder

Before you can evaluate, you'll need to create a file containing the path to all of the datasets you want to use for evaluation in the following format:

    "test": "<path to test json file>",
    "train": "<path to train json file>",
    "name": "<human readable name of the dataset>"

Let's assume you call this file /data/datasets.json You need to supply the path to the train dataset because the test dataset might not be large enough for calculating the FID Score. Once you created this file, you also need to create a file containing the path of all checkpoints that you want to evaluate. You can do so by running the following script:

python evaluation/ <path to log dir of your project>

Let's assume this creates the file /train_runs/checkpoints.txt.

Now, you can start the evaluation with:

python /train_runs/checkpoints.txt /data/datasets.json

If you do not want to run FID calculation or calculation of metrics such as PSNR and SSIM, you can use the respective arguments --skip-fid or --skip-reconstruction.

Evaluation of Denoising

For the evaluation of a denoising model, you'll need to get evaluation datasets. You can get the BSD68 dataset by cloning this repo and the Set12 dataset by following this link.

After you download the Set12 model, you'll also need to create noisy versions of the images. You can use the following script for this (assuming you downloaded and extracted the dataset into /data/denoise/set12/images):

python evaluation/ /data/denoise/set12/images 

Now, you can start the evaluation:

python /trained_model/model.model /data/denoise/set12/noisy50.json Set12

This evaluates the trained denoising checkpoint on the Set12 dataset with a noise level of 50. You can also save the resulting images by supplying --save as option to the script.

Analyzing a Model

We also provide scripts to analyze distributions of the model (latent and noise). Using these tools, you can also create the interpolation images shown in the paper.

Base Analysis

The base for most analysis scripts is the analyze_latent_code script. This model predicts latent codes and noise maps for a given dataset and can also produce statistical insights about a trained model. You can use it like this:

python /trained_model/model.model

If you only want to run this analysis for a fixed number of images supply the -n option. You can see all options, including a short description, when adding the -h option. The script creates a new directory in the log directory of the run you specified. The default is ../latent_code_analysis. Please note, the path is relative to the provided model file. This directory contains a file with all embedding results and also statistical results. Fur further steps, let's assume the generated file is named /trained_model/latent_code_analysis/embeddings.npz


We provide a set of different interpolation scripts.

Plain Interpolation

The first is for interpolation between two random images:

python /trained_model/latent_code_analysis/embeddings.npz

This results in interpolation results being saved in /trained_model/interpolations.

Noise Analysis

The second script is for analyzing the predicted noise maps of a model. You can find the script in the directory analysis. You can run the script for instance like this:

python /trained_model/model.model /data/val.json -n 10 

This renders noise maps as, e.g., shown in the first row of Figure 9.

python /trained_model/model.model /data/val.json -n 10 -s  

This renders a similar noise maps image as Figure 9 depicts and saves it in the directory /trained_model/noise_maps. Further possible arguments to the script include:

  • -n, --num-images: set the number of images to render noise maps from.
  • -s, --shift-noise: use this switch if you want to redo images like Figure 9.
  • -r, --rounds: set the number of interpolation steps.
  • --generate: Do not use the encoder of the autoencoder model, but rather only the decoder and examine the results.

You can now examine these images, take note of the id of the columns that show a color shift and use the next script to produce a large grid of noise map shifting images:

python /trained_model/model.model /data/val.json -n 10 

This renders the a huge grid of different colored images based on the shifting factor of selected noise maps and saves the result in the directory /trained_model/color_model_analysis. The following options are possible:

  • -n, --num-images: set the number of images to render noise maps from.
  • -i, --indices: the indices of the noise maps that you already determined are used by the model for encoding colors.
  • -g, --grid-size: the size of the grid to render.
  • -b, --bounds: from which factor to which factor interpolation shall happen.
  • --generate: Do not use the encoder of the autoencoder model, but rather only the decoder and examine the results.

Using our Pre-Trained Models

We also supply pre-trained models for some of our experiments (we do not have the technical capabilities to share all at the same time). You can find all models here. If you want to have the model for a specific experiment, please feel free to open an issue and ask for the model.

Seeing the Logs of our Train Runs

You can inspect the logs and hyperparameters of all of our train runs, by visiting Weights and Biases.

Redoing Image2Stylegan Experiments

Will be added soon! The code is there but the documentation not yet!


If this code helps you in your research, please cite our paper:

      title={One Model to Reconstruct Them All: A Novel Way to Use the Stochastic Noise in StyleGAN}, 
      author={Christian Bartz and Joseph Bethge and Haojin Yang and Christoph Meinel},

Questions, PRs

Feel free to open an issue if you have a question. If there is anything wrong, or you implemented something cool, we are happy to review your PR!


Code for our Paper "One Model to Reconstruct Them All: A Novel Way to Use the Stochastic Noise in StyleGAN"







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  • Python 94.0%
  • Cuda 4.1%
  • Other 1.9%