This project handle the bowling scores rules described in the specs and here.
It's a command-line application to score a game of ten-pin bowling. You can find the rules here.
Two Pines Application receives a file path containing a list of scores for each player as we you can see in the next example:
Jeff 10
John 3
John 7
Jeff 7
Jeff 3
John 6
John 3
Jeff 9
Jeff 0
John 10
Jeff 10
John 8
John 1
Jeff 0
Jeff 8
John 10
Jeff 8
Jeff 2
John 10
Jeff F
Jeff 6
John 9
John 0
Jeff 10
John 7
John 3
Jeff 10
John 4
John 4
Jeff 10
Jeff 8
Jeff 1
John 10
John 9
John 0
... and should generate a file with with the result of the match:
Frame 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Pinfalls X 7 / 9 0 X 0 8 8 / F 6 X X X 8 1
Score 20 39 48 66 74 84 90 120 148 167
Pinfalls 3 / 6 3 X 8 1 X X 9 0 7 / 4 4 X 9 0
Score 16 25 44 53 82 101 110 124 132 151
- Each line represents a player and a chance with the subsequent number of pins knocked down.
- An 'F' indicates a foul on that chance and no pins knocked down (identical for scoring to a roll of 0).
- The columns in each row are tab-separated.
The soolution has be coded defining the following important interfaces:
+-----------+ +----------------------------------------+
+---+ Reader | | model |
+------------+ | +-----------+ | |
| | | | +------+ +--------+ +--------+ |
| Controller +---+------------------+---+ Game +---+ Player +---+ Frame | |
| | | | +------+ +--------+ +--------+ |
+------------+ | +-----------+ | |
+---+ Printer +--+ |
+-----------+ +----------------------------------------+
- Controller: Orchestrates the overall flow. It only needs a reader and a printer.
- Reader: Defines the interface that should implemented to read data to calculate scores.
- Printer: Defines the interface that should implemented to print the result.
- Game: Defines the interface to interact with the model.
- Player: Defines the "api" to interact with the player.
- Frame: Defines the common api for all kinds of frames. All of them implements Frame's methods.
- NormalFrame: Defines the methods for a normal frame (try 1 + try 2 < 10).
- SpeareFrame: Defines the methods for a frame with two tries and score == 10.
- StrikeFrame: Defines the methods for a frame with one try with score == 10.
- LastFrame: Defines the methods for the last frame (special case).
In order to calculate the score of each player, I coded a double dispatch strategy between the player and frames. So, when the player iterates the list of frames, calls a frame method sending itself as a parameter. Some frames "knows" which method the player must call to be able to calculate your own score.
To print the entire model (player, frames, and tries) I coded the solution by relaying on the Visitor Pattern. I believe that is an elegant solution to resolve this task in this context. Maybe are more lines of code, but the solution is more legible and extensible.
$ cd cmd/twopines
$ go build
$ ./twopines path_to_file.txt (you can try samples in assets folder)
## Sample:
$ ./twopines ../../assets/scores.txt