This repository contains Ruby implementations of maze algorithms, copied or based upon those in the EXCELLENT book "Mazes for Programmers"
This is a personal project so work it out yourself!
My top tip...
Use VS Code, and use the Dev Container that is defined in this repository. If you do that you'll be set up with a fully functioning Ruby development environment without having to set it up manually! Want to know more...?
You will need to run bundle install
the first time you open the project to install the gemfiles that are requried.
I've created a number of Rake tasks to make it easy for me to run the demos. At the time of writing, these are the defined rake tasks...
rake algorithms:aldous_broder # Algorithm demo: Aldous Broder
rake algorithms:aldous_broder_coloured # Algorithm demo: Aldous Broder, with colour
rake algorithms:binary_tree # Algorithm demo: Binary Tree
rake algorithms:binary_tree_colour # Algorithm demo: Binary Tree, with colour
rake algorithms:hunt_and_kill # Algorithm demo: Hunt and Kill
rake algorithms:kruskal # Algorithm demo: Kruskal
rake algorithms:recursive_backtracker # Algorithm demo: Recursize Backtracker
rake algorithms:sidewinder # Algorithm demo: Sidewinder
rake algorithms:sidewinder_colour # Algorithm demo: Sidewinder, with colour
rake algorithms:wilsons # Algorithm demo: Wilsons
rake default # Run most of the demos
rake distances:dead_ends # Counts the dead ends maze generated with a selection of algoritms
rake distances:dikstra # Distances: Distra's algorithm
rake distances:longest_path # Shows the longest path in a maze
rake masks:ascii_mask # Generates a maze using an ASCII mask
rake masks:image_mask # Generates a maze using an image mask
rake masks:simple_mask # Demonstrates a simple ASCII mask
rake shapes:hex # Hex Grid
rake shapes:polar # Polar Grid
rake shapes:triangle # Triangle Grid
rake advanced:braid # Braided Grid
rake advanced:weighted # Weighted Maze
rake advanced:weave # Weave Maze
The list the rake tasks run rake -T -A
from the terminal.
Each of the algorithms has a demo script. Assuming you have your Ruby environment set up you should be able to run something like...
ruby demos/recursive_backtracker_demo.rb
... and this will either generate files in the output
directory, or will write output directly to the terminal
In this example, colour is used to show the distance from the centre cell.
In this example, colour is used to show the distance from the top left hex cell.
In this example, colour is used to show the distance from the central cell.
Braids are mazes that include loops. This particular braided maze was created using the recursize backtracker algorithm, and then 50% of the deadends were opened up to create the loops.
Weave mazes allow for passageways to cross over each other.
In this example you can see the shortest path from top right to bottom left, and then the impact of placing lava within that path. The lava cell becomes more costly (through weights) is represented by the red cell.
This maze was generated using the sidewinder algorithm.
This is an ASCII representation of the above maze.
| |
+ +---+ +---+---+ + +---+ + +---+---+ +---+ +
| | | | | | | | |
+ + +---+ + +---+---+ +---+---+ + + + + +
| | | | | | | | | | |
+---+---+ +---+ +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ +---+---+
| | | |
+ + +---+ + +---+ + +---+ +---+---+---+ + +
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+ + +---+ + +---+---+---+---+ + + +---+---+ +
| | | | | | | | |
+ + +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+ + +---+---+ + +
| | | | | | | | |
+ +---+ + + + +---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+ +
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+ + + + +---+---+ +---+ +---+ +---+---+ + +
| | | | | | | | | |
+ + + + +---+ +---+ + +---+ + + +---+ +
| | | | | | | | | | | |
+ + + +---+ +---+---+ + +---+ + +---+---+---+
| | | | | | | | |
+ + + + + +---+---+---+ +---+ +---+---+---+ +
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+ + + +---+ +---+ +---+ + + + +---+---+ +
| | | | | | | | | | |
+ +---+---+---+ + + + + +---+ + + + +---+
| | | | | | | | | | |
+ + + +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
| | | | | |
Again, colour represents distance from the central cell.
A bitmap mask has been used to constrain this maze.