nvim-mail-merge is a small mail merge plugin for Neovim. It is primarily designed to work with NeoMutt by default but also offers support for mailx. This plugin can send emails in either HTML format (neomutt
only) or plain text.
- Create an individual and personalized message for each recipient of a .csv file:
Prepare a.csv
file including theMAIL
field along with variables of your choice.nvim-mail-merge
automatically fills in the information based on your values for personalized emails. - Converts and sends an email written in Markdown to HTML format:
Write your email using the standard Markdown syntax.nvim-mail-merge
converts it to HTML format for optimal formatting of your message (neomutt
only). - Sends plain text format emails using either
. - Preview the fully merged email before sending to ensure everything looks as expected.
- Save the history of sent emails (date, subject, email)
- Monitor the progress of deliveries and view encountered errors in the quickfix window.
This plugin requires :
- pandoc for HTML format emails
- NeoMutt configured correctly (see .neomuttrc minimal example)
- For plain text format emails, you also have the option to use mailx, which might be faster
ft = { 'markdown' }, --optional
config = function()
mappings = {
attachment = "<leader>a",
config = "<leader>c",
preview = "<leader>p",
send_text = "<leader>st",
send_html = "<leader>sh",
options = {
mail_client = {
text = "neomutt", -- or "mailx"
html = "neomutt"
auto_break_md = true, -- line breaks without two spaces for markdown
neomutt_config = "$HOME/.neomuttrc",
mailx_account = nil, -- if you use different accounts in .mailrc
save_log = true,
log_file = "./nvmm.log",
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d",
pandoc_metadatas = { -- syntax with [['metadata']] is important
[['title= ']],
[['mainfont: sans-serif']]
To monitor the progress of deliveries and view encountered errors, you can manually open quickfix with :copen
(see :h quickfix), or add this autocommand to your init.lua
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('QuickFixCmdPost', {
command = "cwindow",
pattern = "*"
This plugin can directly send the buffer to specified recipient(s) (comma separated emails if several) with these commands :
:NVMMSendText [email protected],[email protected]
(send the buffer in plain text format)
:NVMMSendHtml [email protected],[email protected]
(convert buffer from markdown to html and send)
⚠ The first line of this file must contain the headers, and one of the headers must be exactly MAIL
(containing the email address)
example : /home/user/list.csv
M.,Tyner,Mc Coy,[email protected]
Mrs.,Garrison,Jimmy,[email protected]
M.,Jones,Elvin,[email protected]
Variables must be preceded by the symbol $
example : nvim ~/template.md
Your message
Best regards,
Your name
In NeoVim, run the command :NVMMConfig
(default mapping <leader>c
) and enter the exact path of the csv file, then the subject of the mail. The subject can contain variables, always preceded by the symbol $
Run :NVMMAttachment
(default mapping <leader>a
) to add attachment to your mail. It can be a complete path (e.g. /home/user/file.pdf
) or a variable, completed from your csv file content (e.g. : $ATT
The :NVMMPreview
function (default mapping <leader>p
) allows you to preview the sending with the data of the first recipient of the csv file.
Run one of the following commands :
(default <leader>st
(default <leader>sh
By default, NVMM writes a log file ./nvmm.log
with the date, format (text or html), subject and recipient's email when sending all.
This config works with a Gmail account, and pass to keep your password encrypted. With Gmail you'll also need an app password.
Add this lines to your NeoMutt config file (default $HOME/.neomuttrc
) :
set my_pass = `pass [email protected]`
set from = "[email protected]"
set realname = "Eric Dolphy"
set imap_user = "[email protected]"
set imap_pass = $my_pass
set smtp_url = "smtps://[email protected]"
set smtp_pass = $my_pass
set copy = no
This config works with a Gmail account. With Gmail you'll also need an app password.
Add this lines to your mailx config file ($HOME/.mailrc
) :
- one account :
set v15-compat
set from="[email protected](Jim Hall)"
set smtp-use-starttls
set smtp-auth=login
set mta=smtps://jim.hall:[email protected]:465
- multiple accounts :
Don't forget to set mailx_account
in setup()
account main {
set v15-compat
set from="[email protected](Jim Hall)"
set smtp-use-starttls
set smtp-auth=login
set mta=smtps://jim.hall:[email protected]:465
account anotheraccount {
set v15-compat
set from="[email protected](Ron Carter)"
set smtp-use-starttls
set smtp-auth=login
set mta=smtps://ron.carter:[email protected]:465