Releases: martinbiel/StochasticPrograms.jl
Releases · martinbiel/StochasticPrograms.jl
StochasticPrograms v0.6.3
Closed issues:
- Why it tells me the MethodError when I use StochasticPrograms? (#29)
- model of different stages (#30)
- Error during the instantiation of a program (#31)
- All the first-stage decision must be binary in the integer strategies (#33)
- How to stop the optimization of a stochastic program (#34)
- Precompiling StochasticPrograms Error: LoadError (#35)
- Solver hangs even when dual and primal problem gaps are set (#36)
- How to access the optimal values of the second stage variables (#37)
Merged pull requests:
StochasticPrograms v0.6.2
StochasticPrograms v0.6.0
See NEWS for summary of new features and breaking changes.
Closed issues:
- [Question] Extract recourse variables optimal value (#15)
- Performance issue with L-Shaped when using Gurobi in subproblems (#19)
- Safeguard for Stochastic programs with Integer recourses (#24)
- Can't solve deterministic equivalent using SCS, COSMO or Xpress (#26)
- Creating instant model issue with scenario defined type vector (#27)
- Conversion failed (MathOptInterface.Utilities.VectorOfConstraints) (#28)
StochasticPrograms v0.5.0
See NEWS for summary of new features and breaking changes.
Closed issues:
- Optimal value: 0.0 in all examples (#4)
- Normalized coefficient of "decision" variables (#9)
- Undefined variable error when defining integer variables (#11)
- ERROR: MethodError: no method matching add_to_expression!(::DecisionAffExpr{Float64}, ::Int64, ::DecisionAffExpr{Float64}) (#12)
- LoadError: MethodError: no method matching copy(::StochasticPrograms.SingleDecisionSet{Float64}) (#13)
- Typo in DecisionSparseAxisArray in macros.jl (#14)
- [Question] Extract recourse variables optimal value (#15)
- Warning: Stochastic program could not be solved, returned status: INFEASIBLE_OR_UNBOUNDED (#16)
- Could not run in distributed mode (#17)
- Incompatibility of L-Shaped with CBC (#18)
- ERROR on the instantiation of a stochastic model (#20)
- Problem in get WS'values (#21)
- Problem in Infinite sample space (#22)
Merged pull requests:
StochasticPrograms v0.4.1
Closed issues:
- Comptability with JuMP (UndefVarError: @stochastic_model) (#3)
- Multi-Stage Instantiation (#6)
- Using @expression with an LShaped.Optimizer (#7)
- Help with formulation (#8)
Merged pull requests:
StochasticPrograms v0.4.0
Merged pull requests:
- Install TagBot as a GitHub Action (#2) (@JuliaTagBot)