OpenDNA lets you upload your DNA and search an open repositories.
OpenDNA supports 3 sources currently: 23AndMe, Ancestry & FamilyTree.
Certain genoset with particular rsids-values pairs are susceptible to some diseases for example: People with rs334 =TT AND i3003137=AA are susceptaible to Venous Thrombosis. More information about geotypes is available at
Our ultimate goal is to build a exhaustive dataset with information about various diseases/conditions. One should be able to upload his/her DNA and receive information about susceptible diseases/conditions. We hope to provide DNA matching as a service (So that tinder can provide users with matches at genetic level! :P). This is the future of personalised Genome Analytics. Of course this is a big feat and we need your help!
We're programmers not genome experts! We plan on crowd sourcing our dataset. Once your login and register there is a option for "Add New Risk Groups". Anyone can enter rsid-value pairs. We plan to add verification soon.
This project started as a part of Meteor2015 hackathon. Its not ready for production yet but will be avaiable soon. Check this section for production version soon!