This is a relatively simple example that shows how to read a nanoAOD file using a PyROOT script. Additional information on PyROOT can be found here: Additional information on the nanoAOD data format can be founds here:
This script runs from a CMSSW environment. To create such an environemnt, follow the instructions here.
To setup the script starting from your CMSSSW_X_X_X directory do
$ cd python
$ git clone
$ dimuon
$ cmsenv
The script takes one input file, named inFile.root, which is assumed to be in nanoAOD format.
On the PICSciE system, a sample file can be found on the mass storage system at : /tigress/marlow/tigress-hsm/dimuon/DoubleMu_2.root
To use this file, one can either create a Unix soft link between this file and inFile.root, i.e., by using
ln -s /tigress/marlow/tigress-hsm/dimuon/DoubleMu_2.root inFile.root
Alternately, the script can be changed to read from this file directly.
On the CMS LPC system, a sample input file can be found at: /uscms_data/d2/marlow/CMSSW_10_2_9/src/dimuon/inFile.root
Alternately, one can copy a file from the grid using a command like
xrdcp root:// inFile.root
Be careful with this, however. These are large files!